Best Man

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All of the crew were at the penny as it was Sam & Andy's Engagement party so they were playing "how well do you know your partner" quiz! 

[Up-tempo music playing] "Ohhhhh, All right, all right, all right, next question which one of you is better at housework?" Oliver said with a bridle magazine in his hand sitting on a stole as Sam and Andy had there back to each other with a girls shoe and a boys shoe in each other's hands. "I am." Andy said putting up that Girl shoe straight away "Me!" Sam said as he cut her off when he put up the boy shoe  "Are you kidding me?" Andy asked "No. Your clothes are all over my bedroom floor." Sam answered "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know that was a problem. I can make it stop." Andy replied Ohh! [Mockingly] "Ohh. " [Laughs] "All right, all right, all right. W-we'll move past that. Uh, next question who gives better gifts? Show us what you've won, McNally." Oliver said looking at both of them as both Andy and Sam put up the boy shoe [Laughs] [Chuckling] "Okay. I will. I'm I'm just gonna hold on." Andy said looking at her hand then getting up to go to the bathroom.

"All right, pausing the game. And Sammy is jilted on the hot seat. How's that sit with you, pal?" Oliver asked him "It's fine. Give me a chance [Clears throat] to, uh To ask you a favor." Sam said  "Uh, I would love to, but I cannot be your last fling." Oliver replied "No. Now, as you all know, I'm getting married. Oliver Crowd: Aww! [Applause] Will you be my best man?" Sam asked getting down on one knee [Laughs] "I think that I sealed the deal with the whole, uh, you know, "how well do you know your partner?" quiz. Uh, totally, brother. It would be my pleasure. You don't have to ask." Oliver replied as they both hugged "I'm gonna get this guy a drink." Sam said walking off together.

"Traci? I need to talk to you for a second." Andy said hiding behind the wall "Uh Give me a second. Okay." Tracey said to Steve at the table "Hey, what's up? You're giving me stress face." Tracey asked as they went behind the wall "I-I don't know where my engagement ring is." Andy said freaking out "D-d-did you check the bathroom?" Tracey said  "Yes." Andy replied "Pockets?" Tracey continued "Yes." Andy said "Purse?" Tracey finished  "I don't have a purse." Andy answered "Well, w-when's the last time you saw it?" Tracey asked "I don't know. Uh, Sam's place? My place? Uh, the mall?" Andy said to her  "Well, good you've narrowed it down." Tracey said sarcasm.

"I cannot tell him that I lost the ring." Andy said to her  "Okay, okay. Y uh, you are Having an allergic reaction." Tracey said "Yes, I am. And also, like, I can't stay at his place tonight because I'm Exfo exfoliating." Andy said to Tracey  "Sure. Sure. So so, then, um, we okay, so after your shift tomorrow, we scour your place, his place. We break into that truck if we have to. There's nothing in this world that isn't somewhere, right?" Tracey finished  "Yeah." Andy said still freaking out.

The day after the Engagement party everyone were back to work 

"Hey, handsome. Hey. What's wrong?" Andy said to Sam as she walked in the kitchen hindering her hand behind her as she still couldn't find the ring "What I told you about Juliet Ward it's true. She's I.A." Sam said to her "How many times am I right? I mean, is anybody even keeping count anymore?" Andy replied  "Listen to me. Ted McDonald said Commissioner Santana was corrupt. He said he had evidence against him. Okay? Then Ted McDonald dies, and his evidence blows up." Sam explained "Which is why Juliet's here. Because if Santana was behind the bomb, then someone in 15 helped him. We've been through this." Andy replied back "Santana has figured out why Juliet is here, and he wants Noelle's report by the end of the day, 6:00." Sam explained again "Well, does she even have a name?" Andy asked "Oliver Shaw." Sam said  Andy [Laughs] "Come on. Sam, that is ridiculous. She said "Yeah, obviously, it's ridic it doesn't matter what we think, okay? Oliver's key card was used in the evidence room the day of the bombing." Sam said.

"So? Anybody could have used his key card." Andy asked  Then t-there's his promotion, right? Beat cop to Staff Sergeant that's a big one." Sam went through "He didn't even want that promotion." She said to him "Andy, I'm just looking at this how I.A. is gonna look at it, okay? If I were them, I would have questions. If Santana is dirty And he can pin it all on Oliver, he will." Sam continued "Well, what are we supposed to do?" Andy asked "I don't know. We find out who helped Santana, and we clear Oliver. What by 6:00 tonight?" He explained [Sighs] "Dov, Dov was working the Intelligence Unit before Jarvis shut them down. I mean, he's got to know something. And I would trust him with my life." Andy figured out "Okay, go. I'll check the evidence-room records." Sam said as the both walked away.

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