74 Epiphanies

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"McNally?" Sam said as McNally threw a pillow on him and as soon as he rolled over the bed "Yo. Up and at 'em. It's 10 after 8:00. We got to get a move on!" Andy said while coming back down stairs "Why why are you hollering at me? Come up here and say hello." Sam said in bed "No! You can't see me until the ceremony." Andy replied "Hey. Get over here." Andy continued as she put the dog lead on their dog who was on the patio "That's ridiculous" Sam yelled down stairs "It's actually tradition." Andy replied to him "It's a superstition." He replied back

"Look, I'm gonna take Boo for a walk and then take him to the sitter's, okay? Uh, you have like 40 minutes to get ready and get out of here. Also, don't forget that Oliver's taking you, all right? Traci's gonna take me. Uh, do you have the music on your phone?" Andy explained to Sam while she had the dog in her arms and picking up a piece of paper off the counter "I do." Replied Sam "Okay. What about your vows?" She asked "I do memorized. Would you please come up here and say hello?" He asked her [Sighs] "Okay. Close your eyes. I'll know if you're cheating." She said as she put the down on the floor and ran upstairs "My eyes are closed. See? A perfect match, McNally, you and me. 'Cause you are very high-maintenance, and I can fix anything I love you." Sam said when he kissed her as Andy was on top of Him  "Let's go." She replied as she got off "Okay. Okay. Let's do this thing." Sam said to him self as he rubbed his eyes.

"Nash, where are we on the Lindsay McConnell murder?" Jarvis said as he walked pass her "Uh, I've been working it all night with Gail and Detective Anderson. Gail was the first on scene. And we're still not sure what happened." Nash replied as they both went upstairs "What are you, new? The husband did it. The husband always did it." He asked her "Okay, but I've had him in interview for four hours. His story hasn't changed. He said he came home from work last night and he found her dead." She explained to Jarvis "And you bought that?" He asked her "Okay, sir, it's just that it's Andy and Sam's wedding day. I'm the maid of honor" she said desperately "Do you know who Daniel McConnell is?" He asked 

"The defense lawyer? Yeah." She replied back to him "He's also the victim's uncle. He called me six times. He wants to know if we're laying any charges. And tonight I'm having dinner at a charity fundraiser. Guess who's sitting at my table. Before you go anywhere today, I need a working theory, Detective. I'm sorry about the timing." Jarvis said to Tracey just before he walked into his office.

"Traci. Aren't you supposed to be helping Andy?" Said price who was with Dov and Chris "Yeah, I am, but I'm not, clearly." Tracey replied to them all as she turned around "Okay.
What do you need?" Dov asked her "The flowers are being delivered probably right now to the sally port. I need you and Chris to drive them up to the church." She explained "All right." Chris said "In my locker, you're gonna find, um, um, um, ribbons for the Mason jars, and the projector Oh, my God. The slide show. I was supposed to do it last night. It's a surprise." Tracey continued explaining "No, it's cool. I will stay. Hey, I got you covered, right? Okay, a little star transition, a little slo-mo, a little Phil Collins I got this." Price said to Tracey as she came up stairs as the boys went on their mission "Nash! Any day." Detective Anderson said competing out from one the rooms upstairs "Two minutes? Thank you." Tracey asked her.

"We have tons of time." Oliver said to Sam as he was driving to the church "I should have picked the route." Sam thought "Do not worry." Oliver replied "It's not us I'm worried about."  Sam said to Oliver as he got out his cellphone and pressed Andy's number.

Sam & Andy's place....

[Cellphone vibrating] "Hey. Did Traci call you?" Andy said on the phone to Sam as she was doing her makeup "No." Sam replied "It's just a little snag. Uh, she got held up at work, but she's already sending a car." She explained "Well, can you push it up? I I traffic is impossible all the way out of town. You know what? Change of route. 407 to the 9 to the 5, okay? Tell everybody." Sam asked her "Yes, I got it. I got it. I love you. I got to go. Don't worry." She said in a rush "Love you." Sam replied "Listen to her, buddy. Remember my wedding? My cousin, and he left our rings on a city bus. I had to chase that thing for like 10 blocks. Okay? These things always have a way of working themselves out." Oliver explained to Sam.

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