Breaking Up The Band

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"I haven't spent the night in a couple of weeks. Brought a Malbec. I was hoping you could read the label to me in Spanish. Uh, okay, I'm in your kitchen now, so I'm gonna hang up." Andy said with a bottle of wine on the phone to Sam as she walked through Sam's door. "Hey, Sam, you upstairs?" Andy said walking into Sam's bedroom when she saw Marlo sleeping "Hey. I thought you were upstairs." Andy asked Sam as he came in from the front door with the baby "Uh, Marlo showed up a few hours ago. She's completely exhausted. This little frog has been, you know, crying all day long, so I've been doing laps around the block to try to calm her down." Sam explained to her "I tried to call you first." Andy answered.

"It's Thursday." Sam replied "Uh I-I completely lost track. It's okay. You know what? You got a lot on your plate right now. Maybe you can share this with Marlo when she wakes up. That would be nice." Andy said to Sam placing the bottle of wine on the counter "She had no place else to take the baby. She's got to get some sleep" Sam convinced Andy "So, you know, we don't want her to not sleep. We're all trying to figure this out together, remember?" Sam reminded her "Yeah. Yeah. How could I forget?" Andy said to him as she was upset "Andy. Andy, come on. I'm sorry." Sam said as she walked pass him "Good night." She said with her back to his face walking out of the door "Please." Sam said as she closed the door.

Andy was sat at the bar after she just left Sam's place and then Juliet walked through the door seeing Andy and walking up to the bar where she said "Excuse me. Can I grab a beer?" To the bar tender "I thought you were supposed to be in Vancouver." Andy said to Juliet "Not till tomorrow. I have to testify at Steve peck's hearing" Juliet replied "Lucky you get away from all this drama. Someone you can flaunt you know" Andy said to her "Andy, you're probably never gonna see me again Like the other toys? So, thank you I mean, if you want to talk" Juliet was explaining to Andy as she was cut off by the words "We had plans Sam and I. Not not just for tonight. I mean for our life. We're getting married. How am I supposed to marry him in the middle of all this? A-another thing I'm really confused about is Marlo. Like, right from the beginning, she had planned to do this on her own.mSo, what, she has no other backup plan other than Sam?" Andy said.

"Ahh Excuse me. Can you top her up? Well, have you talked to Sam about it?" Juliet asked "And say what? [ Liquid pouring ] What can he do? Ahh I just wish I could fast-forward through all this, you know?" Andy replied to Juliet "You know, Andy, I'm organizing a new U.C. Operation in Vancouver. It's five months, and I could use an operative that's unknown in the city." Juliet offered it to Andy "Yeah, well, I promised Sam that I would stick by him." Andy replied to her "Think of it as hitting pause till the dust settles. It might be good. Think about it" Juliet asked her.

It was the morning after and everyone was at work.

"Don't worry. I'm just taking it off for work." Andy said as she could hear Sam come in the locker room as she was taking off her Engagement ring "Okay. How are you?" Sam asked her as she turned around looking at him "Other than the bomb that Jarvis dropped on us, I guess I'm doing pretty great." She said "Yeah, Oliver called me. He's, uh, working booking today. He hasn't worked booking since, uh, I had long hair and a mustache. Hmm. I'm I'm really sorry about last night, okay? It was late. I was tired. I wasn't thinking." Sam explained to Andy "Oh, I know. I know. I know. It's much deeper than that. Okay. Last night, I came over And I interrupted a family one that I have no part of. The fact is, Sam, the life that I wanted with you, you're actually having with somebody else. And there's nothing I can do about it." Andy said to Sam chocking up.

"Uh, I don't think that's right. Uh, the life that you and I want, I-I'm not having with anyone else, okay?" Sam said to Andy "Well, it feels like it." Andy replied back to Sam "You and I are gonna have the life that we want together. We will have that, but we got to stick together and figure it out, like we promised." Sam explained "Figure what How do you want to actually do that, practically? I don't know, but this is it. Here we are, we we're working it out. Yeah, but we're not working it out 'cause it's not working for me." Andy said "Okay, then how can we make it work for you?" Sam added "Look, Sam, I have an opportunity." Andy pushed in "What?" Sam asked "Juliet offered me a U.C. gig in Vancouver. Only be about five months. You know, maybe I should take off and, uh, just press pause on this for a little bit." Andy explained.

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