Perfect Doesn't Cut It

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Patricia's POV:

When I was a little girl, everyone told me that I was pretty. And I believed it. Until 7th grade. One day, I was at my locker getting my social studies books and staring at my picture of Justin Timberlake. A girl named Carter Evans came up to me and said "Has anyone ever told you that you are fat?? That's why you have no friends bitch." And she walked away. She was right, I had no friends. Carter was the most popular girl in school and I was just crushed by her. That day, luckily my mom didn't come home till later on. I cried myself to sleep that night. I was never so hurt in my life. The next day, I told my mom that I was sick so I didn't have to go school. But that excuse couldn't go on forever. On Friday when I finally agreed to go back to school, Carter was back. But it was her and her 2 best friends Stefanie and Joy. "Best way to not be fat, don't eat pigskin". At lunch, I went up to the guidance councilor, Mrs. Abrams. I sat with her for all of my lunch period. After that, I told her that I was too scared to be with Carter. She called up my mom. 15 minutes later, she arrived. "Hey mom" I whispered. "Patricia, why didn't you tell me about this" she said as we were going in the car. "I thought I could take care of it myself". But deep down inside, I knew that I couldn't take care of it myself. After a while, I even started to cut. And make myself sick when my mom wasn't around. (My dad died when I was 4). I felt like I was worthless in this world......

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