Chapter 3 Robert surprize

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Preston walks back to his locker to get ready for his next class. Once he got to his locker the same boy that someone called "Woof" was near. There lockers were only about 2 away.

"Woof":"Hey kid.... Sorry a about earlier. You see I have this sort of....Reputation to keep and all."

Preston:"Oh...Its fine..Really! You seem really nice. I trust you."

Rob:"Oh..hehe. My names Robert! But please call me Rob."

Preston:"Is "Woof" like your nickname?"

Rob:"Well it's Woofles but some still call me that. Or Woof."

Preston:"I'm called Preston."


Preston:"....Close enough. It's Preston."

Rob:" bad."

They both seemed very nervous.

Rob:"What's you next class?"

Preston:"Gym. Or PE."

Rob:"Oh yea! Haha your still a sophomore! Juniors and seniors don't need to do that"

Preston:"Oh....Lucky you...."

Rob:"Well I should get going. See yea dude!"

Rob messed with Prestons hair.
Preston watched him as he walked away. Passing period is 6 minutes only so Preston when straight to the gym.

Because it was the first day, they got all there stuff ready. That's all really. He sat next to some short quiet Indian dude in role call. He didn't seem to exited for PE.

Preston walked back to his locker with slight hesitation, scared that he would see Rob again. There was something.... Different about him. He was really nice and all but Preston wasn't Preston around him. Sadly they would have to meet every passing period.

As Preston approach his locker Rob was already there. No conversation started for a while until Rob got his things out of his locker.

Rob:"Hey Preston."


Preston continued in his locker.

Rob:"Well I guess I don't know you that well yet but I was wondering..."


Now looking at Rob

Rob:"Some of my friends are coming to my place for a little.....Hang out. Not the guys you saw before. There not my real friends. I don't think you have meet the people interested?"

Preston was excited because there's not many times he's invited to anything bet he acted calm.

Preston:"...Ok sure!"

Rob:"Alright here."

Rob handed him a folded pice of paper and started walking off.

Rob:"See yea later!"

Preston opened the letter and immediately regretted what he said. It had information about who to call and where he lives but it's also said. "Don't forget your swim suit." Preston knew how to swim but he is scared to be shirtless in "Public". He put the note in  locker and went on to his next class.

His next class is a computer class and the first person he saw walking in was Jessica. Or Jess. He walked in and sat next to her as that was the only person he knew. She didn't mind.

Mr.???:"Well helllllo class I am Mr.Marks and welcome to my computer class. It's good to see some familiar faces here. Matt my top student from last year."

Matt(NootchM):"Yes we know."

He didn't seem to like the glory.

Mr.Marks:"Well today we will go over the syllabus and learn to login. But first!"

And here comes the boring personal shit.

It seems the kids in this class from last year already knew the login and was on the computer. That Matt kid sat way in the front and was typing like no tomorrow. I couldn't tell what he was doing. He has glasses on and long hair. He looked extremely focused on whatever he's doing.

Not much really happens in that class ether. Thank god lunch is next.

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