Chapter 12 Bed time

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Just a reminder! This is in the slight past. Some people may be younger. And numbers inaccurate. Deal with it.

Preston:"Hahahaha! So Endermen hate water? That's so funny!"

*Ring ring*

Preston:"Huh? WAIT ITS 9:30!"

Rob:"Crap your right! I'll drive you home."

Preston:"You can drive?!?"

Rob:"Duh! Let's go before you get in trouble......So your gunna become a youtuber?"

Preston:"Yea, I can't wait! Should I tell Mitch and Jerome?"

Rob:"I got it! At school just keep it on the down low."


Rob:"Now get in the car!"

Preston:"Ok!....*In car*...How old are you?"

Rob:"I just turned 17. You?"


Rob:"Oh ok. Tell me more about yourself."

Preston:"Umm...I mean I'm a open book. What do you want to hear? Anything I answer, you do too."

Rob:"..Umm....ok......What do you..,Do you have a.......When did you.....Wow I suck at this!.....What's your shoe size?"

Preston:"I think I'm only size 81/2."

Rob:"Aw ok. Oh I guess I have to answer too. About 12."

Preston:"Lucky....any more?"

Rob:"Have you ever had a girlfriend?"

Preston:"Uh...Well no... You?"


Preston:"...Ok stop! This is my place. I'll see yea tomorrow.....Thanks, I had fun."

Rob:"Hehehe...Yea me too...see yea.."

*Doors close*

Rob:"Fuck fuck fuck FUCK! SHOE SIZE? REALLY ROBERT! WHAT THE HELL?!? UHG! He probably thinks I'm weird!"

*Drives on*

Prestons mom:" Preston? You out so late doing homework?"

Preston:"We played some games and stuff too. He's a really nice guy! His names Rob."

Prestons mom:"That's the same boys party your going to right?"


PMom:"Ok. I wanna meet this boy. You haven't had friends in a while."

Joshua:"Dat cuz all he dose is dwal!"

Caleb:"Yea! And study!"

PMom:"You kids need to go to bed you hear me!"

Joshua:"Yes mommy..."


PMom:"Thank God i raised one child right! Your a really good boy you know. I sill love your brothers to though. And you older brother is ok I guess but he doesn't live here anymore. But for real. Bring some of your friends over tomorrow! I'll make some cookies!"

Preston:"Really!?! Your the best!"

He ran up to his room.

Preston:"What is this mess?!"

Caleb:"It was all Josh!" A small voice said behind him.

Joshua:"No! Cawub was in your things Pwesten!"

Caleb:"Be quiet! Let's go to Keeley!"


Preston:"Guys! She's probably in bed like you guys are supposed to be!"
They didn't listed and ran off.

Preston:"Oh well. Oo a text! From Rob, Mitch, and Jerome?"
<Over text>
Rob:"I made a group chat for us!"
Mitch:"Oh no"
Preston:"Oh ok!"
Rob:"Preston! Can you download Minecraft?"
Preston:"Yea, but not now. I have to go to bed."
Jerome:"Well you could at least watch some of our videos to get a idea of what it's like right?"
Preston:"I guess."
Mitch:"Yea! Sub to me and like all my videos!"
Jerome:"Mitch! You have the most subs here!"
Rob:"Wow. I leave for 2 minutes."

Preston went to Robs channel first and saw a factions video and watched it. He ended up going back and watching the whole series until he fell asleep.
:The next day:


Joshua:"Cawub! Get owf o' him!"

Preston:"Ah! What time is it?!"

Joshua:"It sayyyyys seven, dot dot, five, fore."


Preston rushed to get ready and ran down stairs.

PMom:"Boy! You are going to be late!"

Preston:"I know I know!"

PMom:"This is not like you. What happened?"

Preston:"I don't know I'm sorry! I got to go!"

He ran out the house.

Pmom:"No breakfast?... O-ok!"

Minecraft Youtuber High school. TBNRPoofles?Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora