Chapter Fourteen: People Watching

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Chapter Fourteen: People Watching

"I'm sorry, what was that?" Target girl, who has now been established as Xavier Cassidy's cousin, tilts her head to the side. Confusion fills her blue eyes as wisps of blonde hair fall from her bun.

"Oh!" My social skills seem to kick back into action, and I extend my hand out towards her. "I'm Max."

"Harper." She smiles, and tentatively gives my hand a quick shake.

"So just so we're clear." I retract my hand and use it to tuck away a strand of hair that fell from my braid. "That guy over there is your cousin?"

"Yes." Her gaze falls behind me again, and her eyebrows furrow before she returns her attention back over to me. "Do you want me to get him?" She moves her hand up with the intention of waving, but I fling my upper body forward.


Her eyes widen a little in surprise, and I lean back into my own personal space.

"Sorry—" My nervous laughter comes to save the day, but gets cut short when I notice more shoppers have shuffled into the area. Luckily, none of them seem to have noticed my outburst, or they're at least not letting on that they did. "Um . . ." I gulp when I remember that another one of those shoppers is the Cassidy boy still leering behind the clothing rack a few feet behind me. My hands clench into fists at my sides, but I push the thought away by pressing by body against the counter. "So, do you like working here?"

The confusion dances in Harper's eyes again, so I continue.

"I'm just wondering because part of me wants a job, yet the other part of me is too lazy."

Harper laughs at the latter part of my statement before she swipes up the blouse she neglected in my presence and begins shoving it on a hanger. "I've been working here for a little over six months now, so yeah, I guess you can say I like it."

"Does the polo get annoying, though?" The curve of my lips gives my amusement away.

Her blue eyes sparkle back at me. "It doesn't look like it, but it's actually quite comfortable. The only downside is . . ." She leans forward and cups a hand over the side of her mouth. "It isn't the most flattering and you wouldn't believe how many cute guys actually ask for help."

I crinkle my nose. "I do actually believe that."

We trade smiles for another second before I take a step away from the counter.

"All right, well, I'll let you get back to it. It was nice meeting you."

"You too," she chirps before turning to hang the blouse on the rack behind her.

I turn around, and focus on my strides instead of the way Xavier Cassidy straightens himself out in my peripheral vision.

"Max?" Xavier's voice falls behind me, and only accelerates my pace as I begin speed walking towards the exit that leads into the mall. "Max!" he tries again, but I focus on the beat in my chest. The echo of it circles around me, and falls in sync with my footsteps.

I make a swift right turn into an aisle. I glide past carts and people, but I don't get my hopes up. I have no doubt that Xavier's long strides aren't too far behind. My pace quickens when I reach the clearing by the automatic doors. I ignore the strain in my legs. I ignore the burn in lungs. And I will myself to ignore the sting in my eyes.

I take two steps outside the automatic doors before a hand grabs onto my upper arm and propels me back around.

"Whoa, whoa—" Xavier leans down and tries to meet my gaze. "What's going on?"

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