Chapter Two

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hey thank you so much for those who read my last two parts an commented - means so much :') so don't forget to :

COMMMENT! ----butterflyxxx


My eyes opened to unfamiliar, peculiar surroundings. The walls were white, the floor was white. This place is so clean, so pure, but where am I?

"Lily. Lily dear can you hear me?" I heard a familiar voice in my ear. I felt so- distant, like I was far, far away from everyone else in this world.

"Where am I?" I mumbled, still in pain. Why am I in pain?

"Lily! You are in hospital, pet, you collapsed at home so the doctors are going to help you." my mum said, comfortingly, considerably soothing to my bursting headache.

Hospital? Collapsed? I do not remember a thing apart from an unbelievable headache.

I know all too well that this is a very common thing to say by most young teenagers, but, I hate hospitals. Actually, maybe I shouldn't say that seeing they save lives of hundreds of people each day. However, they do smell a bit funny and the particular ward I was temporarily placed in was filled with slimy old people, connected to all sorts of tubes and machines, kind of creepy.

I turned my head slightly and through the corner of my eye I could see my "good old" dad, his face grey with stress and anxiety.

My father is the type of man who doesn't really care about much. He's the sort of man who has the "laid-back" approach to life. He doesn't care much for the garden, you can barely see the paint on the car it's that dirty and if my mum wasn't there, the house would be inch deep in dust! He may not care much for things, but as I have definitely learnt today is that he cares loads for people, like me.

"Lily-bear?" he said, in his deep voice, using a stupid nickname, "how you feeling?"

I wanted to reply, I really did, I could say a lot to anyone, I'm a bit of a chatterbox, but right now, I was so sleepy I could barely hold my eyes open the tiniest slit.

I drifted off into a peaceful sleep where pain flew away, well at least I didn't know it was there.

I dreamt as I fell asleep. I vividly saw my sister doodling away in her princess colouring book as if nothing else mattered. I saw her face so happy and cheerful, her lips formed into a gentle smile. If only life was so simple.


I was very grateful when I received a new purple bike for Christmas. I was very grateful when I was given concert tickets to see my favourite singer live. I have been grateful many times in my life but I have never, ever, been so grateful for those painkillers the kind nurse gave me! Anything to reduce the pain was all I needed. The painkillers did work, the pain I had was considerably reduced and I felt a fair bit better.

I have had many blood tests and scans, MRI and CT I think, whatever they mean. The results will be in tomorrow, I'd reckon these results are the most waited for answer ever!

I was taken up to the scanning room on the bed I was in when I woke up and found myself here. I tried to think of other than my pain, something different to ponder upon. I discovered how much fun it would be to be paid only to get wheeled around in a hospital bed for one of those doctors programmes! Not half bad!

I peered around the room to see my "room mates". I had been placed in a temporary or waiting ward when I arrived so there were all sorts of people in here with me.

In the back corner was a woman who looked about 90, a frail little woman lying peacefully in her bed. How exciting would it be to imagine her story, why she is in here! I'll probably find out the real reason why she's in hospital soon enough though. The man beside her seemed such a character! He had shaky hands, a grey moustache and a long beard down to the bottom of his neck! I looked up to his name plate, he was called Frederick Hathaway. Frederick. What a marvellous name! He had appeared to make himself at home already, he had photographs stuck up on the wall behind him of (only assuming) his grandchildren and beside him was a large old fashioned clock! Beside him was a woman who looked about sixty but I had learnt she was actually only in her forties! Her eyes were sunken in to her face and they were surrounded by large black circles, which certainly were unflattering and did not make her look any younger! Her mouth hung open and her few teeth were rotten and yellow. Very unattractive! Apparently she's a drug addict and an alcoholic and all the drinks and drugs caused her liver and other organ damage. She has oxygen and tubes attached to her, her addiction was not the smartest decision in her life. Now, placed directly beside me was.. I try to look but for some bizarre reason I cant see out of my left eye! It feels like someones holding a piece of paper up to my eye! I am so confused right now, my once so normal life has been turned completely upside down in a space of a day. I haven't even found out what is wrong with me?!

My parents had left my bed to get a cup of tea, but I was thirsty now. I saw a cup of water. Perfect. I tried to pick it up, I couldn't! I couldn't get a grip, there wasn't any energy in my left hand, no feeling. You get confused in a maths question in an exam but believe me, it is a totally different matter when you are puzzled by no feeling in your hand!

I decided to get up and find my parents. I sat up in my bed, the hospital's bed, gently, one foot out, the other foot out. I stood up carefully only to collapse into a heap on the floor! My left leg had failed me, it was again numb, no feeling whatsoever! I let out a piercing shriek in shock and pain to attract passersby, my "room mates" and a few nurses. I heard footsteps and raised my head to see a nurse and my parents were there, obviously recognised my high pitched screech.

"where is my hand? Where is my leg? Where is my eye?" I asked, not realising how bizarre my question was.

"sorry?" the nurse asked.

"I can not feel the left side of me! What is wrong with me you silly woman! Find out! Why is this happening to me?!" I yelled, my face burning up with rage... Poor nurse, I have a hot temper.

"I will get the doctor now, dear, and I'll be back to take more blood tests in a minute."

Stupid blood tests. Stupid hospital. Stupid doctor. Stupid nurse. My mum put her arm around me and I bawled my little eyes out.

Why is this happening to me?


Right this was a hard chapter to write, that is why it is not very good LOL but as the story progresses it should get better and well, hopefully better written!

Don't forget to comment people!

Thank you soo much ---butterflyxxx

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