Chapter Five

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Hello! Sorry for the lateness :( I don't really have an explanation apart from lack of encouragement! So please, Tell your friends if you think they might like this story and...

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Hope you enjoy people :)


I squinted my tired, grey eyes in order to adapt to the bright, unnatural light of this hospital. This hospital. A woman down the corridor had been sick this previous night, so the place sported an awful odour, making me detest this gloomy place even more. I awoke early in the morning, you are automatically wakened at this time by your inner alarm clock because the loud hustle and bustle of the nurses, the beeping of heart monitors, the breathing of so many patients.

The feeling of waking up in this place is horrible. To know this is the start of another day to spend in such a place, in one bed, one room, one corner with a few grouchy patients and nurses. Lovely. Just how I wish to spend my Sunday. I'd rather be sat in a double class of physics with the boring Mr Calvert than sat in here.

I thought of the previous Sunday. I was incredibly shocked to realise how much my life has differed in the mere space of about week! Last week and I was out with my friends, not partying as such, just hanging out with the people who make me smile. This week, i'm stuck in a hospital of all places.

It was a gorgeous day and we were at the park, having a picnic. The sun was shining brightly and I can still feel the warm, fresh air passing my skin. Nowadays, the closest I get to fresh air and warm sunshine is through the window across the hallway!

I really miss my friends. My parents had rang the school to "inform" them, as it were. I was really nervous, how will they react? Nobody had any idea how hard it would hit them, if at all, with their best friend being diagnosed with such an illness. I was scared of how they would be towards me, how they would act. Would they turn against me, thinking my disease was contagious? Would they make fun of me?

My mind was rest assured. They were all so upset and within hours my mum had letters and messages for me! I am totally blessed to have the brilliant friends I do.

My absolute best friend is just like her appearance. Eva has a cute button nose and a gentle, sweet smile which matches her kind and gentle personality. She has beautiful blonde hair which rests in large ringlets and her eyes are so bright they could light up a room! She is completely beautiful, inside and out.

I read her message in particular over and over again as my eyes filled up with tears. It read;

"Lily, I am so sorry and devastated to hear about your illness. The world is so unfair to pick such a beautiful girl like you. However, God picked you because you are strong, you can fight it! I have faith in you babe. I will be thinking of you every second of every day as I always have been. Stay strong and I pray you will get better soon. I love you to the moon and back, you are the best friend I could EVER have wished for. Please get better soon, Lil, so my hopes come true. Keep smiling sunshine Lily! Love Eva xxx"


I also miss my little sister, I haven't seen her in days. I don't feel it is fair to bring her to see her sister when she is connected to oxygen and is feeling so poorly. She's coming to see me tomorrow morning though. I turned over onto my side to look at the glittery mirror little Anna sent, just to check out my looks.

I glared into the mirror and saw a girl my friends may be a bit- scared to see? I didn't see Lily in the mirror, instead I saw a tired white face with red bulging eyes. Very unattractive. Her lip was drooped slightly at the left side so when she smiled instead of her usual cheerful grin, she wore a lopsided less energetic smile. I look awful. My friends wouldn't care what I looked like, would they?


"Look, Lily, Eva has come to see you!" mum said into my ear. I internally grinned, and my eyes grew wide with pleasure. What a lovely surprise!

"I'll leave you girls for your gossip time!" my mum grinned as Eva came into sight.

"Hello, Lil, how are you feeling today?" she asked as she sat down on the arm chair beside my bed.

"Okay, Eva, thank you so much for coming." i replied, with a small (lopsided) smile.

"No problem, I've missed you, Lily. I brought you some cupcakes I made last night!"

The cupcakes were gorgeous. The light sponge was topped with soft pink icing, piped on in a swirl to perfection. Eva was always the best baker!

"Thank you so much. Eva, I'm really nervous about my surgery tomorrow." I confided to my best friend.

Yes, my surgery to try remove the tumour is tomorrow. In fact, this time in a days time I'll be getting my head cut open! Oh my! I try to kid myself I'm completely cool about it, not to worry my parents, but secretly to Eva and I, I've never been so scared in my life.

"I know, Lily. I am too, to be honest... But we don't need to be! You, Lily Jess Walker, are the bravest and strongest person I know."

"Uhh, I don't know Eva.."

Strong and brave?

"Yes, Lily," she began, as if she could read my mind, "you will be absolutely fine. These surgeons are trained, perform these operations every week! You are in safe hands, babe."

"I know, thanks Eva. You are a great friend, I love you."

"I love you too. You are the best friend I could ever have asked for, Missy." she smiled.

We sat for a few moments, in a comfortable silence, both thinking about tomorrow.

I'm sure it'll go well, right?


Ahh, I love Lily and Eva :) nice girls to know I think, but then again I get to choose what they are like! Lol

Comment pleassssseeeee! It would make me a happy girly!


Again, if you have a minute, think of how wonderful life is and think of those, real life Lilys, who's life is far more complicated that most ours. Right now a person could have just been diagnosed with a brain tumour, or someone could be going through a life threatening operation. Think in this way and you will appreciate life so much more!

End of my rant. (although that was serious)

God bless readers xx

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2011 ⏰

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