Chapter 4- Why me??

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A .. A brain tumour!?!? What is going on in my life!?! Why me? What have I done to make this happen to me?!

All these questions raced through my head like cars on a main road. I was shocked? Devastated? Confused? These are simply understatements. Unless you have been through this, you have NO idea what I am feeling right now. No idea.

Wait a minute- did he just say I had a brain tumour? Oh my goodness! I can not believe it. I spent last night thinking, hoping it would be something.. Small? I could just get tablets and I'm good again- but a BRAIN TUMOUR?

I gazed over towards my parents. I focussed my blurry eyes to see my Dad had his head in his large hands and mum looked back at me, although I noticed her eyes were edged to the side of my head, she couldn't bare to look me in the eyes. Her pale white cheeks were wet with tears.

"Why me?!" I screamed.

My parents and the doctor were quiet. They knew exactly that nothing they could say to me would help my pain even slightly.

I felt my own cheeks and realised they were wet. Before I became ill I hadn't cried in years. Now you could make a lake.

I could see the doctor fidgeting, wanting to say something.

"Go on then Doc," I said, with my harsh, impatient tone, "tell me it all."

"Lily, we can give you a operation which the surgeons would try remove as much of the tumour. This would be a very major operation, however, there have been so many positive outcomes. The decision is in your hands." he stated. "We don't know yet, whether or not the tumour is cancerous or not..."

He kept talking to me but I could not listen. I blocked any noise, all I could hear was the painful sound of his voice.. Cancerous. Cancer? Major operation. A major operation? At 15? Since when was this world so harsh? Decisions? The decision is in my hands? I'm not the biggest person, I'm only 5 foot 2. I can almost feel the pressure and information overload weighing down my shoulders.

I just want to cry, and cry, and cry. At this moment, I honestly wouldn't mind if I left this world forever. It would be far easier. Actually, no, don't think that way, Lily. Positive thoughts.

Oh. Wait. Am I going to DIE???

Hello readers! Sorry its short :/ it should be longer next part. Thank you so much for all the feedback I have got, keep it coming please!!

Also, if you have a minute, think of how wonderful life is and think of those, real life Lilys, who's life is far more complicated that most of ours xx

My Journey through a brain tumourWhere stories live. Discover now