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5:01 p.m.

I've just been awoken from my deep sleep. In it, I had this crazy dream. No one could hear me speak but...

People were looking at me while taking notes. This is... This is unnatural. For the past few months, I've been in a coma. Everything felt like a dream while I was in it. It just feels so... Relieving now that I am able to interact with the world and what inhabits inside it.

I've heard the doctors talk around me saying that I woke up too early. I didn't know what that meant, though. They seemed worried, but happy?

As they leave the room mumbling about something, I was just sat up on the bed looking at the ceiling, smiling. Smiling to myself I didn't die. That I'm still alive. It still feels like a dream, though. That I'm not sleeping in a coma. I look down at my hands and see that there was one missing. Oh yeah, it got blown off. I think. Well, I remember having a dream where my arm was blown off.

My arm was all bandaged up. I shake my arm. It felt unnatural doing this, though. It felt like my arm was still there, but it wasn't. It felt funny.

I remember seeing a certain boy in my dream during when my arm was blown off. The thing was, I can't remember the boy. I can definitely remember what his face looked like. He has these bright blue, sparkling eyes that are as blue as the tenerife sea. He was really pale a taller than me. He had the voice of an angel and a smile that lit up the whole entire room.

The door opens a few seconds later, taking me away from my thoughts and where the sound was coming from. I saw a boy. A boy with blue eyes. The same blue eyes in my mind. Who was he, though? Why is he important?

Seconds later, I was attacked by a hug from him. I was shocked at the feeling. I wrap my arm around him with a blank expression on my face. I honestly did not know who this boy was. Well, I did, but I didn't know his name or anything about him except that I've been with him since September of 2014.

I'm so confused at how I can't remember him. I can remember his features and what he sounded like, but his name. Was he even real? Was he just apart of my imagination? Then again, he has been in my dreams. I know in my coma, he has shown up a bunch of times. But I didn't know why, and I can't remember anything from those dreams. I don't remember what that boy and I did. It seems important that I should remember him. He has been in the segment of dreams in my coma. All of them, in fact. Why?

"Holy shit, you're alive. How? You're supposed to still be in a coma," he tells me. I tilt my head in confusion. How does he know that I've been in a coma? Did he stalk me? Is that why he's been in my dreams?

I was saved by the doctors who came into the room, telling the boy to leave. He did as what he was told and left the room silently. I look up at the doctors who brought in a woman who I expected it to be my mom. I think.

"Tyler! Oh my God, you're actually here," she exclaims, hugging me as tight as she can. I don't speak, but I wrap an arm around her. I was too scared to speak. I was afraid of saying the wrong thing to her. I didn't want to ask who she was because in my head, it sounded weird and rude. I just awkwardly smile while patting her back. She let's go of me and places her hands on my shoulders. She then smiles and kiss my forehead and hug me again, but tighter than before. "Tyler? Why aren't you speaking? What's the matter? Is something bothering you?" Oh God, what do I say?

"N-No, um, mom. Nothing's wrong with me." I mentally stab myself. She could have been my aunt! Or girlfriend?

I laugh out loud because I obviously know I'm not straight. I'm as straight as a fucking rainbow, in fact.

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