Chapter 3: Eye Spy

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Ok, so now that Aurelia is going to go into S.H.I.E.L.D, the chapters may or may not be getting longer, since it's a chapter per episode of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Just a heads up!

Have fun!


Chapter 3: Eye Spy

Unfortunately, this plan of Whitehall's involved me getting gagged, put under and getting shipped to Minsk, Belarus.

HYDRA always had a flair for the dramatic.

According to my orders, I had to go under the alias of Kennedy Montogmery, the 23 year old daughter of Special Forces agents Rose and David Montgomery, who were killed in the field, along with a lot of unimportant details I was sure I had to relay later on.

Who knew whether the story was true, but really, who cared?

But I had to dye my hair brown for the mission, which was a pain.

So it was understandable that I was extremely uncomfortable bound and gagged under someone's hotel bed.

"You should've stayed in bed," a woman's voice sneered as I came to.

Thankfully, I was underneath the said person's bed, so I could see only hear the sounds of a fist fight I longed to be apart of. Even through their bonds, my fists still shook with anticipation of an attack, despite that that the two people had no clue I was here.

From what I could hear, things got really serious when I heard something like a table fall over and something sharp penetrate a wall.

Silently I muttered, "Damn," and continued to hum yet another Taylor Swift song, 'I Knew You Were Trouble.'

After several crashes, the room grew voiceless save for the brush of shoes on carpet- the dispute was over.

"May, I told you not to do this."

Whoever May was was silent for a few moments, "I decided to put matters into my own hands."

I took this as my cue to start getting attention.

Wriggling against my bonds  I managed to hit the bed above and called out, "Hey! Anyone there?"

The noise of shoes against carpet sounded like the claps of an aged clock tower, and a middle aged man pulled back the blankets.

He had hazel eyes and stubborn mousy hair, as if it was fighting the effects of ageing, not to mention a very kind smile. "Hi," he grinned with an American accent.

I attempted to wriggle out of my gag so the man pulled me out from the bed like a parent moving old toys for a garage sale.

Once I was out I answered, "Hi. It would be great if you told me how in the hell I got here."

The suited man nodded, and looked back to an Asian woman who with a single glance I could tell was armed, dangerous, and had a heart of stone.

"If I had answers, I'd give them. My name is Agent Phil Coulson, and this is Agent Melinda May. Perhaps you'd like it if we took you in?"

Would I like it if they took me in? That was the whole point of my mission!

I shrugged, and put a piece of brown hair behind my ears, which I was adjusting to. "Well, I'm up for anything that has to do with a shower and a change of clothes."

Idiots. Who knew how many lives that they'd destroyed. I should smite them down right here and now, screw the mission. But a simple glance down at the exotic gun in Coulson's hand was enough to stay my hand.

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