Chapter 1: The Golden Storm

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Hello! For those of you that don't know, my name's LittlePond, nice to meet you! I hope you stick around with this fanfic and that you enjoy it! By without a further a-do, let's begin!

Chapter 1: The Golden Storm

If there's one thing I know for certain, one constant that never changes in this dynamic world of powered people, aliens and secret agents, it's that S.H.I.E.L.D lies.

It's true.

They say their mission is to protect the world from this murky threat or the next. Especially the infamous forces of HYDRA. But what they don't tell you, is that they hide information from those outside their child-like club, their own agents without enough clearance, the innocent public who've committed no crime.

They keep us in the unbearable dark.

They don't tell us about the magnificent, untouched and suppressed miracles of this world; the Enhanced.

They keep them catalogued, monitored, and pretend like they don't exist, as if their existence has no effect on us.

You're saying this isn't true? Then explain why my mother, her entire village, died at their hands.


My name's Aurelia Tempest.

Technically, I have no name. My biological mother died too soon to bestow a name upon me.

That was when HYDRA flew into my scene. They took me in, named me and raised me as their own.

The man who adopted me, Daniel Whitehall, played the part my mother never had the chance to. He gave me the first name of Aurelia, which is Latin for 'golden.'

For the entirety of my life, he's always been going on huge tangents whilst I trained to become HYDRA's most deadly assassin- that I 'signalled a golden age for HYDRA.' That, I guess, was why I chose my last name, Tempest; Latin for 'storm.'

Essentially, I've been trained to take down S.H.I.E.L.D an agent at a time.

Kind of a hard task?

"Agent Tempest, mission report on Victim #108," Whitehall ordered from his glossy desk. The leader's grey hair stood on edge, dusty black glasses stood on his nose.

Bored at the debriefing I had completed 108 times now, I twirled a lock of blonde hair around my finger, "The target was dispatched easily using a standard semi-automatic hand gun." Daniel grinned in satisfaction,the leather of my mission gear tightened against my sweating skin. "Well done, Aurelia."

Sensing the end of the report, I stood up from the auburn leather chair. "That's all?" I asked, eager to leave.

"Yes, Aurelia. That is all."

I turned to leave, pulling my hair back into a simple ponytail as that was how it was most comfortable. Turning the door's knob, I was about to exit when Whitehall called out, "Aurelia? I'm proud of how far you've come." He knew that it irritated me when he said that, and the habit persisted even though I was turning 23 this year.

Smiling through the annoyance, I left Whitehall's office.

There are two facts I love about being HYDRA: the fact the Whitehall had raised me, and that whenever I leave my victims, I leave S.H.I.E.L.D agents running away screaming.


That is all they know me by. They don't know what I look like, who I am. I could be Nick Fury himself and they wouldn't have a clue.

That is another name I'm known by;  S.H.A.D.O. It stands for Strategic Hazard Assassination Directorate Operation. I'm proud of it too.

HYDRA isn't as bad as everyone thinks. We don't fight for world domination. We fight for free distribution of information. So that no one is ever left without knowledge. So that no none is ever again, brutally murdered or inhumanely silenced simply because they brandish information.

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