Chapter 9: The Magical Place

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Happy New Year! I hope 2016 is a great year for everyone reading this! I hope to get this book done sometime this year (obviously) so I can get started on other projects.  



Chapter 9: The Magical Place

36 hours proceeding Coulson's kidnapping, and my anxiety was through the roof.

HQ sent in huge amounts of manpower, including Agent Victoria Hand, an agent I was wanted to be my mission sometime soon.

In an attempt to escape from her red streaked presence, I stayed in my cabin, trying to keep my head calm despite the illegal emotion boiling in the pit of my stomach.

Then, a rather familiar alarm rang across the plane; Skye had managed to lockdown the systems again. I didn't think much of it, thanks to Skye's computer nanny aka Bracelet of Death, she hadn't been able to access so much as her phone account.

At least until I heard through the doors, "I want you off this plane immediately."

Throwing my book down and rushing next door, Ward and I asked, "What?"

Surprise, surprise, it was Hand that was bringing the thunder.

Skye powered past us to Hand walking down the Bus, "Wait! I know I'm not some badass field agent like May or Ward but this is what I do. You can't kick me off this mission!" She calmed down, "Listen, I'll do whatever you say, all this protocol crap doesn't matter, what matters is Coulson."

Victoria seemed unfazed, "Well protocol crap matters to me; you're a distraction and you're gone."

Ward added, "Agent Hand, I know Skye's methods are unorthodox, but she's a member of this team, she can help." I nodded along, hoping my support would aid Skye's case, "Kicking her off would be like loosing a limb."

"Don't push it, recruit."

Biting back my own insults, I remained silent, boiling beneath my skin. Hand continued turning to May beside us, "Agent May, your professional opinion; will this girl be of any use to us on this plane?" Hope replacing my anger, I blinked widely at my SO.


Of course, S.H.I.E.L.D loyalties only ran so deep. Had this been HYDRA, a team would never betray the other.

Hand turned to her men and that was the last straw. If I couldn't kill them as an act of rebellion, I would have to try other outlets. "If Skye goes I should too; it's only fair." Skye shook her head, placing a hand on my shoulder, and friendship in her eyes, "No, we don't want the team to be more out manned than we already are."

"You sure?" Despite her situation, Skye smiled, "Yep. Keep them in line." And with that, Skye left, Ward by her side.

Once they were gone, I turned to my SO, "I know you and Skye butt heads, but I got to admit, that was out of line." Staring after Skye, May answered, "All I did was tell the truth."

I rolled my eyes, praying to some higher power to give me strength; loyalty to friends came way before honesty, May doing otherwise baffled me.

"By kicking Skye off the plane?"

"You want to be a S.H.I.E.L.D agent?" I brought my eyebrows together, confused at the engima before me, "Why do you think I'm still here?" May turned me to face the other soldiers, "Look at the amount of agents here." I looked back at her, stating the obvious, "There's a lot more than usual."

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