Flashback 3: Metal Pillows

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Hello! So, I quickly edited this flashback for the millionth time whilst doing homework, so it's shortened a little and ready to go.

I also believe I broke the replay button on 'Emperor's New Clothes' by Panic! At The Disco because it is SO GOOOOOD! Hope you enjoy the flashback!

Flashback 3: Metal Pillows

"What do you mean, sprained?" Aurelia Tempest asked Doctor List after he inspected her left wrist.

After Pietro left for his cell, she had immediately made her way to the epicentre where the scientists tended to stay. List had made his way to her, creepily enough, she still hadn't forgiven him for that little run-in before.

"I mean sprained. As in, you'll have to take a week off," List insisted for the third time, hands content in his lab coat's large pockets. Aurelia didn't think the doctor knew just how much a week could impact on the twins.

"But so much could be done in 1 week!"

"You could do more damage to your wrist should you not rest it for a week. Agent Tempest, you have given your wrist a Grade 1 sprain-" "I know what a Grade 1 sprain is; it can cause extensive damage to ligaments if not rested."

Doctor List nodded again, slightly taken aback, "So you understand possible consequences?" Aurelia nodded, and left the room without a second glance.

Serves him right.

The HYDRA agent started out her hiatus by opening the twins' files. If she was going to be out of action for the next week, she was going to be productive.

She wrapped her bandages tightly and, once thoroughly examining them, jumped on the bed, messing up her files in the process. Giddy from her own impudent childishness, she got the files back and read.


By the time Aurelia finished reading Wanda's evaluation, she decided to make her way for lunch as her brain felt like it'd been fried.

Compared to the crisp white of the HYDRA base back at home, this cafeteria was dark and grimy.

She expected scientists to have better hygiene, or at least put it into practice.

The cafeteria, much like the observation room, was coated in orange light, the walls were dark brown painted with HYDRA's symbol, whose empty eye sockets seemed to watch over her incessantly.

"Altwasser! Get the twins' meals to them now!"

The twins' meals?

Knowing she'd regret it, Aurelia left the long line for food to trail behind Altwasser, carrying 2 plates in the direction of the Maximoffs.

To be honest, she was surprised they were even given them plates, but she decided to ignore that, in fear of jinxing it.

As the agent turned a right corner towards the observation rooms, Aurelia saw just what the Enhanced were living off; a piece of bread, cheese and a glass of polluted water.

Whilst it was generous compared to HYDRA's standards, the assassin had to clench her fists.

The food they were being given was most definitely not sufficient nor healthy. Wishing she had something like a taser, Aurelia sped up her pace whilst still keeping her footfalls silent, and pinched his vulcan nerve.

The agent slumped to the ground.

Keeping one foot under his falling frame, the assassin caught the two plates without so much as a whisper.

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