Flashback 5: You Didn't See That Coming?

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Here we are, the Easter eggs for 'Avengers: Age of Ultron' are beginning! There are more, if my memory serves, but this one was the funniest to write. You didn't see that coming?


Flashback 5: You Didn't See That Coming?

Aurelia Tempest stood on one of the many balconies outside of the Sokovian base, savouring the few minutes of silence. As S.H.A.D.O; her life was hectic, always in the pursuit of a victim. A victim in which the assassin tried to spawn most efficient way to kill them- it was always best to get rid of them quick.

But as Aurelia Tempest, she could breathe, be human. Closing her eyes, she inhaled deeply, feeling pure air enter her lungs through her nose, and opened her eyes as it exited through her mouth.

This was nice.

She hardly got moments like this. Hardly got a second to stop and think about what she'd done, how far she could still go. Not to mention take in the amazing view.

As Aurelia observed on that first day which she'd arrived here, the base was surrounded by mountains. They weren't the Himalayas, but they were tall enough to intimidate eager mountain climbers.

The weather had warmed greatly since her arrival, but she guessed she'd just have to wait a few more weeks before the twins out to train outdoors. Speaking of, the two Enhanced had progressed extremely well in their training sessions.

Wanda, not surprisingly, had excelled with her abilities. Though Aurelia had asked her to practice the whole 'worst fear' trick on her again, (partly so that she could see her vision again, and partly so that she could improve,) but Wanda had vetoed the idea. She didn't want to cause her friend any more harm.

"Come on Wanda! I'm Aurelia Tempest, the assassin S.H.A.D.O! I can handle a little mind games!" Aurelia so often complained. The brunette would always shake her head, "I told you Aurelia, it shook you too much. I know it works, that is all I need to know."

The assassin crossed her arms, and stamped her foot loudly like a toddler demanding a lolly, "But Wanda!"

However, one of the best times of Aurelia's day lay in the final minutes of their sessions.

She had never experienced 'girl talk' before, since the majority of her acquaintances were male. The assassin found that her stay at Sokovia had made her realise how little social experience she had.

"I hate to ask this, but, why do you hate Stark so much?" Aurelia asked. She had wanted to tell Wanda about the origins of her hatred for S.H.I.E.L.D for some time now, but couldn't bring up the guts to just blurt it out.

Wanda looked down, pulling out a loose strand in her dress. "It's alright if you don't-" Wanda shook her head, "No, it's just hard to begin."

"We were 10 years old, having dinner; Pietro, me and my parents. Then the 1st shell hit us. It hit 2 floors below, and made a big hole in the floor. Our parents went in, and then the building started to come apart."

"Pietro grabbed me, and together, we rolled under the bed, anticipating the 2nd shell. The second shell hit not too long after. But it didn't go off. It just...sat there, 3 feet away from us, and on one side 'Stark' was painted. When the raid finished, every effort to save us, all those shifts in the bricks, I thought, 'this will set it off.' We waited for two days for Tony Stark to kill us."

Wanda tugged at her dress again,either embarrassed or enraged at the experience she'd been exposed to. Aurelia put a hand on her shoulder, "You did good, Wanda. My experience wasn't exactly like yours." Aurelia sighed and launched into her own story.

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