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* group chat with all the boys *

Liam : Hello boysssss

Niall : Hiiii Daddy

Zayn: damn this shits getting real

Louis: kinky daddy

Harry: I don't understand...

Niall: It's his nickname. You guys know that it's not my dad? Like it's not even funny

Zayn: oh yeah we know

Louis: not funny but kinky

Liam: Okay boys enough now.

Harry: I still don't get it...

Louis: its fine haz

Zayn: he keeps saying he's got a dirty mouth while honestly hes just so prude and innocent

Louis: don't push it bro

Niall: yeah louis knows it more than you

Liam: louis knows whats happenin

Louis: stop acting like a couple saying the exact same thing its making me want to fucking throw up

Niall: I'm Larry af

Louis: you're annoying as fuck

Harry: I'm so proud that you actually spelled "you're" correctly Louis.

Louis: what do I win

Niall: sex

Liam: sex

Zayn: hard sex

Louis: im leaving the band

Zayn: Don't do that. Bad idea.

Louis: i can just go solo without having your annoying faces around me

Harry: Duo with me*

Liam: Nobody's leaving the band. I love you

Zayn: love ya

Harry: All the love


Louis: whatever.


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