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Zayn: guys

Niall: WHAT

Louis: tf niall keep calm

Niall: Well Zayn is talking, must be pretty darn important you know.

Liam: True.

Zayn: youll never guess what ive seen yesterday

Liam: Yourself in the mirror?

Louis: sooo ladies and gentlemen, that was lima bean's attempt at trying to be funny!

Niall: I found it quite funny thought

Louis: neil, love is blinding you young man

Zayn: can anyone listen to me

Niall: YES !!

Zayn: so yesterday i smoke a blunt
then went back inside and wanted to give one to louis cause he didnt seem good
then i went to his room

Louis: shut the fuck up

Harry: Zayn.

Zayn: guess what
louis, who wanted to be alone for the night, was in fact not alone at all
he was in good company

Niall: I don't get it

Louis: i'll block you

Zayn: tommo was with someone
from this group chat

Niall: not me

Liam: Neither


Harry: First of all, I don't see the point in you telling everyone
Second of all, we were not cuddling
And third of all, this is all false.

Liam: First of all, you're a bad liar.

Niall: Second of all, we're a band. We have to tell things like that to each other. Good thing you did zayn.

Zayn: Third of all, how was sex?

Louis: you guys are a bunch of arseholes
pissing me off saying shit


Louis: mind your own buisness
dont fucking keep saying shit like that spreading false rumours

Liam: Sass alert !

Zayn: love ya lad
just messing with ya a bit

Louis: stop wondering why people always come out with that larry shit

Niall: You don't come out though

*louis_tomlinson left the group chat*

Liam: solid one niall..

Harry: That went too far mate.
He's in fact, straight.

Niall: Oh yes sure
And I'm in fact, a unicorn

Zayn: should i go apologize?

Liam: he'll be okay
harry will take care of that

Niall: #buttsex

*harrystyles left the group chat*

Niall: * to have sex

Liam: what is it with you and sex?

Zayn: hes missing it
youre a bad boyfriend Liam
gotta zayn now

*zaynmalik left the group chat*

Niall: What was that...

Liam: no idea. im still on shock.

Niall: night payno

Liam: night nialler

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