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Harry: Boys

Zayn: what again?

Harry: Why "again" ?
That's not really sweet of you.

Zayn: i mean
you know
its alright h say what you gotta say

Liam: What zayn meant is that he's really happy when you talk to us all the time.

Niall: Hahahahahaha

Zayn: exactly

Louis: let the poor boy talk

Harry: Forget it

Zayn: no man
im curious now
What is it you wanted to tell us?

Liam: Shoot it hazza!

Harry: Just wanted to invite you to come in my room.
Im bored.
We could just play Fifa.
Or Netflix and chill.
You know.

Liam: Netflix and chill...
Harry come on.

Niall: YES!
Let's play fifa with food
Lots of food

Zayn: ill be there

Harry: Louis?

Louis: i wont

Niall: What? Why tommo? Fifa !!!

Louis: my bum hurts

Zayn: Styles, that's your job.

Liam: Harry, the netflix and chill went a bit too hard.
Naughty boy.

Louis: wtf shut the fuck up
i fell of stage
it hurts now


Louis: i didn't even fall
thats the worst part
SOMEBODY fell down and took me out with them
wonder who that is

Liam: Oh come on I took the most out of it and im totally fine now.
Don't be such a coward

Louis: coward?
who stayed on the ground for like 3 hours
thats it
shut up now im staying in bed

Harry: We can all come and join you?

Zayn: in bed

Niall: Yay for once Harry wants to share !

Liam: Yes sure we will come join you and massage that bum
To help you feel better

Louis: i can never be left alone
like guys
i want to sleep
you dont need me

Harry: It's only 11.

Zayn: i want to share a blunt with you

Louis: um....

Harry: Okay. I suggest we come to your room and take care of you. I do everything to try to make you change your mind.
Then Zayn only has to propose a blunt and you hesitate.

Niall: Jealous lover

Liam: that sass got to Harry

Louis: No I still really wanna stay in bed tonight
and not do anything at all
leave me alone i'll see you all in like
7 hours

Niall: Okay I'll have fun playing fifa without you then
Love you anyway
Just a bit

Zayn: ill smoke a blunt and go to bed

Liam: coming to play with you niall
night zouis

Harry: Okay then. Goodnight boys. I love you. All.

*end of group chat*
*private chat between harrystyles and louis_tomlinson*

Harry: Louis?

Louis: um?

Harry: Can I come and chill?

Louis: just u?

Harry: Yes

Louis: okay, yes.


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