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Harry: knock knock

Liam: What?

Niall: oh no

Harry: You got it wrong. You have to say who's there.
Let's start again.
Knock knock

Zayn: Goodbye.

Harry: Guys come on. I just want to tell you a joke.
Please. It's making me sad
Knock knock.

Louis: whos there

Niall: #BoyfriendRescue

Harry: Lil old lady

Liam: nO

Zayn: not that one again

Niall: Please Hazza. No.

Harry: But it's my favourite one.

Zayn: wouldnt be as bad if you at least got some new jokes sometimes

Niall: but you don't.

Liam: Always the same old ones. If at least they were good...

Louis: Lil old lady who.


Zayn: tf tommo

Liam: That was real true love. Inspiring

Niall: #Larry

Zayn: deep deep love

Louis: #Niallshutthefuckupwithyourstupidhashtags
Ur an annoying leprechaun
Probably the worst one

Harry: You're*

Liam: The sass is real

Zayn: the sass master from doncaster

Niall: that was rude

Liam: you should apologize lou

Niall: Yeah like that wasn't cool at all i didnt do anything bad

Louis: Oh shut it I'll order you pizza

Niall: Okay

Zayn: respect yourself niall come on

Liam: I give up

Niall: Is Harry dead?

Zayn: dont drop the subject kiddo

Harry: I'm right there why?

Niall: Weren't talking much, I was worried about you mate!

Liam: How cuteeeee

Zayn: how jealous you are

Harry: Thats so cute Niall. I love lou !! x

Liam: WhAt !

Zayn: shit got real


Harry: I love you **. That's what I meant to write.

Liam: Bull

Zayn: shit

Niall: #Ishipbullshit


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