A murderous yellow

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Short chapter I know but I'm trying to gather up all my inspiration again to continue updating ^-^ so please be patient with me Xx

An earth shattering roar shook the ground beneath us as we ran across the plains, the unbearable heat of the sun beating down upon our backs. My wings stretched out providing temporary relief of shade from the cruel sun, but when I looked over my shoulder I could tell Beorn was gaining speed with each bound and would soon be upon us.

 "Hurry, we must make haste!" Gandalf shouted as another ear-splitting roar echoed about us.

 "Take refuge! I can buy you some time" I called, stopping dead in my tracks and turning to face the intimidating figure of Beorn's creature.

 A low growl escaped from the creature's mouth as it halted a few metres from where I stood, its head bowed, clawing and snarling at the damaged Earth beneath its paws. The murderous yellow in its eyes had been replaced by a recognisable grey and I took this opportunity to walk up to the creature.

"Beorn! Do not be afraid" slowly I gripped my dagger making the creature snarl "I am a friend" dropping my dagger I pushed it away with my foot before further advancing towards him. He studied me; a knowing expression plastered onto the creatures face as I reached with my hand and placed it against the creature's upper snout, a small sound of encouragement leaving his throat.

"HYRIL!" Thorin's voice roared over the frantic chatter of the other dwarves, who were trying desperately to bolt the door shut.

 The creature's eyes changed from a calm grey to a murderous yellow within seconds, a terrifying roar spilling from within the depths of its throat. My eyes widened as the creature stood on its hind legs, baring it's impossibly sharpened canines, and before I had a chance to take to the skies it had brought its entire weight upon my body, burying me deep within the hardened earth.

 A sharp pain struck across my chest forcing a bloodied cry to leave my lips and a familiar burning sensation was pressed deeply into my skin. Before I had time to think a pained roar was ripped from the creature's monstrous throat and I could feel the weight being lifted from my crushed wings.

"Tolo Hyril!" Pushing myself up onto my knees with what little strength my forearms held I spread my crushed wings and took to the air with difficulty.

My body was repeatedly slammed against the ground and in was only in the last second that I was able to throw myself into the safe embrace of Beorn's home. As the others struggled with the door the young hobbit fell by my side frantically looking over injuries.

He pressed a dampened cloth over my cuts but came to an abrupt stop when he reached my collarbone, his fingers hovering over my skin and his eyes widened "H-Hyril?"

An irritated mark had been burned onto my skin, similar to that of the pendant hanging from the necklace I had been gifted by Legolas. A wave of nausea washed over me as I spoke through gritted teeth, "My brother. He's in danger."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2015 ⏰

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