A Familiar stranger

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Hyril’s POV

Sighing I spread my wings slightly but stopped as a searing pain swept through my right wing, the scar never healed. Cursing under my breath I grabbed my cloak and rushed to the gates, “Where are you going?” Turning around I smiled sheepishly and said, “To the forest ada.”

Thranduil sighed and placed a hand on my shoulder which made me flinch; after nana died he became hostile. “I know I don’t show it,” he whispered softly staring into my eyes, “But I care for you, it is not your fault you were born……like this.” I clenched my fists at his words, “If you find me so terrible, than leave me be!”

Storming out of the palace, I wrapped the cloak tightly around myself; he did not attempt to stop me and even if he tried he wouldn’t be able to.  The cool air was no comfort to me and the forest seemed confiding.

The cloak of trees cut us off from the rest of Middle Earth and it seemed my life was lived forever in the shadows. Shivering I pulled my cloak tighter around my shoulders and reached for my daggers for comfort.

A whispered voice brought me out of my thoughts, a voice I did not recognise. Peering from behind the branch and found a dwarf cloaked in midnight blue and carrying wood. “Who are you,” he exclaimed grabbing his sword.

Smirking I made myself known and bowed my head; keeping my face hidden from view. “What do you want elf,” he spat angrily. ‘This dwarf is different from the others,’ I thought to myself and smiled.

“I am no elf,” I began uneasily.

He withdrew his blade and squinted as he murmured, “then who are you?” This question left me puzzled but then I remembered my promise to avenge my nana, “I am an assassin,” I said proudly removing the hood to reveal my face.

The dwarf smirked and crossed his arms over his chest, “Is that so? Well then young assassin what is your name?” I laughed and said, “My name? I have many names; but I am known as Fallen Angel.”

He gave me a confused look before sighing and bowing his head, “As you like. I am Thorin Oakenshield son of Thrain.”

The name sounded so familiar and yet I have never seen him before but the memories were clear. Shaking my head I asked suddenly, “Are you married Thorin? Do you have a family?” Thorin’s expression hardened as he shook his head, “I have no wife nor do I have a family of my own. I look after my sister and my two nephews.”

He then looked at me curiously before saying, “You claim not to be of elvish blood and yet you are both tall and fair. How is this so?” Grinning sheepishly I explained, “I am only part elvish. My father is elvish and so is……was my mother but I am different to any elf. What are you doing in Mirkwood Master Dwarf?”

“That’s not your concern,” he spat his eyes blazing with anger as he stormed off.

‘What’s his problem,” I thought to myself as I walked back towards my home. As I came back Legolas was waiting for me with a sour look and a lecture on his lips. Sighing I smiled and said teasingly, “What’s on your mind little brother?”

Sighing he replied, “You know what’s wrong. It’s dangerous and…” Rolling my eyes I brushed past him and said, “You sound just like ada,” turning to face him I continued, “how many times have you told me this? You can’t stop me even if you tried.”

Legolas simply just shook his head and murmured, “be careful.” I raised my eyebrow and asked, “When am I not?”

“Actually don’t answer that,” I added before he could say anything.

Taking off my cloak I went up to my chambers and stood on the balcony as the soft spring breeze tugged at my hair. Just then a guard burst into my room, “My lady,” he said breathlessly bowing his head.


His eyes were filled with concern and fear as he said, “Mithrandir. He is requesting to speak with you.”

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