Think furnace with wings

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The room had grown dark with only one burning candle that sat in the middle of the table. The dwarves surrounded it staring intently at a map; the voices were lost in the multiple conversations that were being held but the word, ‘dragon’ kept being repeated. There was one among them that looked nothing like a dwarf. ‘He must be Master Baggins,” I concluded as I made myself known.

Silence echoed about the room as each dwarf turned to face me; “ah Hyril,” Gandalf stood up and placed a hand on my shoulder; urging me forward. I fixed a smile on my face as I bowed my head, “I am Hyril daughter of…….”Gandalf nudged me softly and whispered, “These dwarves show hostility towards elves; be careful of who you claim to be.”

I sighed wearily as I turned to face them once more, “….daughter of the skies,” I finished carefully casting him a meaningful look. He nodded as he stepped forward once more with the support of his staff; “Allow me to introduce you to the company. Well there’s….”

Just then a dark haired dwarf with a stubble for a beard stood up along with another who looked like him except with blonde hair. Both smiled at me and the dark haired dwarf said, “Allow my brother and me to introduce everyone. I am Kili son of Dis, Hyril daughter of the skies,” he winked at me which caused me to roll my eyes.

The blonde haired dwarf nudged him and said, “You must forgive his manners, I am Fili and this is the company of Thorin Oakenshield.” Kili rubbed his arm and muttered something under his breath before pointing towards some of the dwarves; “Balin, Dwalin, Bifor, Bofur, Bombur, Oin, Gloin.” Fili then pointed to the others and continued, “Ori, Dori, Nori and……”

“You?” I turned to face the dwarf who had called my name, he stood in the doorway, in armour and the midnight blue cloak was wrapped around his shoulders. “Thorin,” I murmured as I stared at him in disbelief, it hadn’t been a dream. “What is she doing here,” he asked Gandalf shooting him a meaningful look.

He caught my eye as Gandalf placed a hand on his shoulder, trying to calm him. “Thorin you will not be able to complete your quest without her skills.” He motioned for me to take a seat as Thorin reached for the map, he pointed to a sketch of a mountain with a fire breathing dragon.

“Smaug,” I whispered my fingertips lightly brushing the thin paper. “You know him,” Thorin asked in disbelief. I nodded slowly remembering the scar that I had seen on my father’s face years ago; he had told me of dragon fire and of Erebor. I shook my head and returned his look, “I…….I have a loved one at home who had an……encounter with the dragon; many years ago.”

My eyes widened as I remembered the story of Thror and the pale orc, Azog “You don’t mean to reclaim Erebor?” He stood up and pounded his fist against the table; “I WILL do what must be done to reclaim the throne and save my people,” he spat angrily, his eyes blazing with anger and hate.

My bottom lip trembled as I stood up but I held my ground, “You will die and so will those who accompany you,” I countered referring to the others who by now stood back and cats their eyes back and forth as we argued. “If a few lives must be sacrificed for many than it is but a small price to pay,” he hissed reaching for his dagger.

Gandalf noticed this and held him back, “Thorin stay your blade! There is no need, save your anger for the dragon!”


The whole company turned to notice the small figure of Master Baggins standing up, he looked a little pale and trembled. “What dragon,” he squeaked looking around nervously. Bofur stood forward and smiled mischievously, “Oh, aye. He'll melt the flesh off your bones in the blink of an eye. Think furnace with wings. Flash of light, searing pain, then poof, you're nothing more than a pile of ash.”

Balin stood forward and tried to steady the poor hobbit, “you alright laddie?” He smiled weakly in return and nodded despite his trembling legs, “Yeah, I’ll be. I just feel a little faint.” Balin nodded and let go of him and returned to the table along with the others.

Shortly after there was a loud THUMP and I turned around to find the young hobbit sprawled out across the floor, unconscious. Gandalf sighed and motioned for me to carry him out of the room, as I did so I could hear hushed whispers, no doubt about us of course.

I set him down carefully on the couch and made myself busy in the kitchen as I heated up some cold soup that had been carelessly left on the table. A muffled groan caught my attention and I made my way towards the living room where I found Master Baggins sitting up and rubbing his head. “Welcome back,” I smiled comfortingly as I took a seat across him.

“Where am I,” he asked looking around confusingly. I smirked as I replied, “You are home, on the couch to be exact.” He smiled as he turned to face me and took my hand into his, “Ah yes the stranger. I never got to quite catch your name over all the noise those confounded dwarves were making.” I returned his smile and said, “Hyril daughter of the skies. And you are Master Baggins if I’m correct. Well Master Baggins I never got to thank you for lending me use of your couch earlier.”

He laughed and waved his hand in the air as he stood up and scurried into the kitchen, “I am no master, just plain old Bilbo Baggins. Think nothing of it dear Hyril. Tea,” he asked holding out a tray.

I shook my head and just as I was about to speak my head began to pound in agony, “not again,” I mumbled standing up with great difficulty, I stumbled and probably would have fell without Bilbo helping me to stand up straight. I could hear his voice but it seemed so distant over the roaring in my ears, “I need to go,” I said as I ran towards the door and outside.

I could feel myself falling but when I hit something I could feel no pain. The pain only grew worse as I lay there screaming out. Suddenly an image of the dwarves appeared before my eyes. They lay on a battlefield arrows and scars piercing their bodies, “No!” I called out into the darkness; I found my wrists to be bound in chains.

The dragon Smaug soared above the battlefield breathing fire in every direction, “WHO IS KING UNDER THE MOUNTAIN NOW,” he roared, filling my heart with dread. My eyes flew open and I gasped for air as I sat up. A searing pain shot up my side forcing fresh tears to stream down my cheeks.

Using the support of a tree I managed to stand up but as I walked back towards Bag End I found that each step brought a fresh wave of pain. I was met by Bilbo at the door who helped me inside, “I’ll call the others,” he said making his way towards the meeting.

I held him back and said, “No please! Take me to my room.” He bit his lip anxiously but nodded as he helped me to my feet. I winced as I sat on the bed, Bilbo stood by me speaking quickly so that I did not understand a word.

I held up my hand to silence him and smiled, “You’ve done enough Master Bagg……Bilbo. Would you please send for Gandalf?” He scurried out of the room only to return with Gandalf a few moments later, “thank you my dear friend, I will take it from here,” he said ushering him out the door.

He sighed as he took a seat beside me and began to heal me slowly, “You are the only elf I know who can’t heal themselves,” he muttered jokingly trying to lighten the mood, “but then again you are the only elf born with wings,” he continued as he finished the healing process.

I stood up with his help, “Thanks,” I shot coldly reaching for my weapons. He sighed wearily and placed a hand on my shoulder, “You must learn to control it….” I stepped back and spat angrily, “I know what I must do! JUST.LEAVE.ME.ALONE!” H

e nodded as he slowly made his way towards the door, carefully closing it behind me as he left. Once I was sure he had gone I buried my face in my hands and allowed the tears to fall.

The horrible images of everyone dead, my kin, the dwarves, Thorin…. I lay back in my bed and stared up at the roof until it became a blur suddenly a new life didn’t seem welcoming at all but I could as I fell into sleep I heard soft whispers which filled my heart with longing. The skies……my home was calling for me.

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