A New Beginning

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Hyril’s POV  

The stinging wind brought tears to my eyes as I struggled with my cloak. “Just my luck,” I muttered furiously as I roughly wiped my eyes. The cloak broke free of my grip and was carried away from me. Cursing in elvish I wrapped my arms around myself and struggled forward. An icy hand squeezed my shoulder and as I turned around I was met by a familiar pair of green eyes. “

Legolas,” I smirked.

He smiled softly and silently handed me my cloak, “I think this belongs to you.” Taking the cloak gratefully he helped me fix it upon my shoulders, when his icy cold hand lightly brushed the scar on my wing. Hissing in pain I feel backwards as he withdrew his hand sharply. “I’m sorry,” he murmured helping me up. Shaking my head I turned my face towards the sky and sighed, “Think nothing of it.”

The night was a midnight blue pinned back by distant lights, I couldn’t help thinking of the dwarf I had met earlier, “Thorin,” I muttered softly as I looked back at Legolas. Silent tears streamed down his face as he brought his eyes to meet mine, “Don’t leave,” he whispered as he held my hand in his own. I smiled softly and placed a hand against his cheek, “I have no home, my life was never to be with you or ada or…..”

sadness overwhelmed me and I looked away. I felt his hand squeeze mine as a sigh escaped my lips, “or nana,” I murmured softly bringing my eyes back up to meet his.

He looked away and bowed his head but I smiled and placed a hand against his cheek, “Hey for what its worth I know you’ll make a Great king. Nana would have been……I AM proud of you.” He hugged me tightly careful not to touch my wings, “Promise me you’ll come back,” he said staring into my eyes intently. An uneasiness tugged away in the back of my mind but I returned his stare and nodded.

He grabbed my arm and nodded solemnly, “I will be waiting.” I smiled and grabbed his arm, “Look towards the sky, I will be there,” I shot back. The voices of frantic guards broke the stillness of the night and I stiffened with fright. He noticed this and whispered, “Quickly go now. I will distract them as long as I can.”

I opened my mouth to say something but he silenced me and muttered, “What are you waiting for it? Thank me when you get back. GO!”

Mounting my horse I looked back once more before forcing it into a gallop. Soon enough, Legolas, the guards, my home was lost amongst the mess of trees as though they never existed. Closing my eyes I thought to myself, “Maybe this was a dream.”

My eyes flew open as I felt something hit my chest softly. Reaching for the object, I felt something smooth. Holding it up to the moonlight I found it to be a necklace. I cried out as I felt a throbbing pain in my head. The horse panicked and reared onto its hind legs and whined fearfully.

I was thrown back onto the hard dirt, my left wing was caught on a thick branch making me yell out. Shadowy figures stood before my eyes and an array of muffled voices filled the air. “Who are you,” I asked groggily squinting into the darkness as I tried to stand. I stumbled backwards, my back pressed up against a tree trunk. “SHUT UP,” I yelled covering my ears.

I felt a few hands grab my arms and shoulders, “LET GO OF ME,” I cried struggling against their grip. ‘Ugh,” I thought as I tried to stand but dizziness overwhelmed me as I feel onto my side. “Get away from me,” I whispered fearfully struggling to keep my eyes open.

A coolness passed over my burning forehead. A soft voice silenced the frantic array of voices “Gandalf,” I muttered as I slipped into darkness. The darkness was no comfort as it was plagued by unfamiliar shadows and voices……familiar voices.

My eyes flew open and I gasped as I gripped the sides of the couch I was sitting on. A fire burned bright spreading warmth throughout the house. The house itself was peculiar as the roof was low and it seemed almost….welcoming. Pictures stood proudly on the mantle; I peered at each one and found that the people in the pictures were strange.

They were small and had masses of curly hair both on their head and their feet. A big bright smile was plastered on each one’s face which forced a smile upon my own. “Welcome Hyril.” Turning my head I found Gandalf sitting beside me, his grey eyes watching me carefully as he smoked. A cloud of smoke rings had gathered around his head and my own, making my eyes burn.

“Where am I,” I asked staring meaningfully at the pipe. He smiled as he placed his pipe aside and replied calmly, “You are in the House of Baggins.”

“Baggins,” I murmured as I struggled to remember why the name sounded familiar. “Baggins,” I cried as I smiled and turned to face him. “Wait, Thorin where is he?” I asked suddenly. He stood up and smiled, “Ah I see you have already met the leader of our group.” Holding up my hands I shook my head, “Wait what group?”

“My dear, you did not think I would allow you to go on this quest alone with Thorin and Master Baggins,” he asked questioningly as he raised his eyebrow knowingly.

A faint blush appeared across my face as I turned my head away, “I-I-I didn’t mean to say……” I wrapped my arms around myself but something did not feel right, “MY CLOAK,” I cried jumping up and looking around frantically, “Where is it?”

He placed a comforting hand on my shoulder and sat me back down, “Your secret is quite safe,” he whispered, grabbing my hand and guiding it towards my back. I felt an overwhelming comfort as the soft material revealed itself underneath my fingers. G

andalf winked and stood up straight once more, “Come now, you are summoned to the meeting,” he called over his shoulder as he slowly made his way towards another room.

I struggled to find my balance but once I did I tiredly made my way towards the same room, my back hunched over as I reached under the cloak and softly stroked my wing.

Suddenly I wasn’t only thinking of great adventures, the skies and home but of a dwarf cloaked in midnight blue…..Thorin Oakenshield.

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