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7: Sugar daddy.

Louis: Morning.

Harry: Sup.

Louis: For a moment I read 'soup'.. My brain is weird in the morning.

Harry: You're not the only one, sugar pop.

Louis: What the hell is a sugar pop?

Harry: Ha, if I only knew.

Harry: Anyway, back to earlier, What's up?

Louis: The sky.

Harry: Ok, no.

Harry: What are you doing at the moment?

Louis: Pissing my sister off.

Harry: Oh no, what are you doing?

Louis: Teasing her about this Michael guy she's obsessed with.

Harry: That's rude.

Louis: Well I'm rude, so.

Harry: Not to mention sarcastic.

Louis: And sassy.

Harry: And mean.

Louis: and super hot.

Harry: And a twink.

Louis: That's a no no.

Harry: Actually it's a yes yes.

Louis: Nope.

Harry: Yup.

Louis: Shut up.

Harry: Okay, chill out.

Louis: I'm already chill.

Louis: What are you doing?

Harry: Working. God it's so boring.

Louis: Where do you even work?

Harry: Twist productions. I'm the CEO.

Louis: You... A man child.. A CEO for a very important company?

Harry: Hey, I'm very serious when it comes to this. If it wasn't for me, this place would've fallen apart years ago.

Louis: You're only twenty two, how did you even...?

Harry: Well to make it easier, my step father used to own it so maybe that's how I got it so easily.

Louis: The perks of growing up rich.

Harry: Do you have a job?

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