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9: Drunk

Louis: Harryyyyyy

Louis: R U awake?

Harry: Now I am. What's up?

Louis: mY D*CK


Harry: Uhh yeah.. I did.

Louis: I m so hungry.

Harry You woke me up for that?

Louis: Duhh , i think my head is gunna hurt 2morrow.

Harry: I'm cringing at your grammar, but why?

Louis: Becus I think i was supposed 2 eat fursy

Louis: first*

Louis: oh well f*ck grammar.

Harry: Why did you get drunk?

Louis: because i wanted 2

Harry: Please stop using the number two.

Louis: okkkkk

Harry: You shouldn't be getting drunk.

Louis: im legal tho so ya

Harry: I'll ship you off to America. You won't be legal then.

Louis: but if you do tht , i wouldnt be able to suck you iff

Harry: Go to sleep, Louis, okay?

Louis: noooooooo . zayn is laying there .

Harry: ...

Harry: Who's Zayn?

Louis: uhm I think it was tht guy I kissed.

Harry: I thought you said he went back to where he came from though...

Louis: I thought he did :/ but he just showed up :D

Harry: Oh. Okay.

Louis: why do u seem sad ? :(

Harry: I'm not, Louis. Don't worry.

Louis: buuuut i feel ur emotions thru the computer :((((

Harry: I'm fine, Lou. Just tell the idiot to leave and then lay down, okay?

Louis: y cant he stay ?

Harry: You know what, if you want him to f*cking stay then go ahead. Don't text me next time one of your wh*res are over there.

Louis: what?

Louis: haddy wait

Louis: harry*

Louis: y r u mad ?

Louis: is it because zayn is here ?

Louis: come back :(

Harry: I'm trying to sleep. I have work in the morning.

Louis: b4 u sleep , we have to tlk . U can never go to bed angry.

Harry: I'll talk to you if you go and drink a bunch of water.

Louis: y?

Harry: Just do it. Oh and you have to kick Zayn out. Oh also, try to use proper grammar. You're hurting my eyes.

Louis: Okay I wil try.

Louis: better?

Harry: A bit. Now get the water and just chug a bunch of it down.

Louis: ok wait.

Harry: You done yet?

Harry: It's been twenty minutes, please don't tell me you passed out.

Louis: Im here!

Harry: What took you so long?

Louis: well you told me to drink lots of water so i dis and i also kiked zayn out.

Harry: Good. And your grammar, Lou.

Louis: Im trying :(

Harry: I know, baby. Now go lay down.

Louis: ok , i am.

Harry: Good. Now I want you to sleep.

Louis: but we have to make up :/

Harry: Make up for what?

Louis: I got u mad earlier and you called zayn a wh*re.

Harry: I just don't want you throwing yourself around, and I guess I get a bit over protective of my friends, okay?

Louis: okay harry. I'm getting tired , can i sleep now ?

Harry: If you'd like to then yeah.

Louis: I'm sorry for waking you up.

Harry: It's fine. I'm glad you messaged me.

Louis: Why?

Harry: Because I like to know I'm the thing that comes to your mind when your drunk. And plus, I enjoy talking to you.

Louis: even when you're half asleep?

Harry: Of course.

Louis: :)

Harry: Well I'm gonna be dead tired tomorrow, that's for sure.

Louis: I'm sorry..

Harry: No, hush. It's fine. Let's just both get some sleep, okay?

Louis: okay, harry :)

Harry: You're so adorable, you know that?

Louis: Well duhhhhhh

Harry: Lol alright, Lou, I'll talk to you tomorrow okay?

Louis: WAIT

Harry: What? What happened?

Louis: I didn't say goodnight!

Harry: You're something else, Louis...

Louis: I'm just hoping that's a good thing.

Harry: it's a good thing but it can also be bad.

Louis: Ohhhh. I hope it doesn't turn bad :(

Harry: Me too, Louis. Me too..

Harry: Now go to sleep, okay?

Louis: Okay!

Louis: Goodnight, Harry! Mwah.

Harry: You make my heart burst. Delete this conversation after this okay?

Louis: Why?

Harry: Just please do it.

Louis: Mm. Goodnight, Harry. Again.

Harry: Night, night, Lou. MWAH.

Louis: :)


Just a short update but... Second day in a row :).

They're too cute.

Do you guys think this story is moving too fast, too slow, or just right?

I'm logging out for the night. If Ellie is reading this, goodnight and I love you babe.

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