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19. Uh oh.

Louis: harry

Louis: Harry fuck answer me please

Louis: I cant stip crying harry olease something happened

Louis: pleaae harry I need yoy

Louis: please...

It was currently three in the morning. Louis was an hour away from his home, a busted lip and cuts on his face. He just wanted to go to a party earlier and it turned out bad. He had originally went with some friends and they met new people.

They had seemed cool at first and Louis wanted to go home but his friends wanted to stay. Three guys, the people they met, offered a ride home and he had accepted of course. He thought that he could trust them.

He was wrong.

At first he was too drunk to notice anything suspicious but then he saw they passed his house. They claimed they were only getting food so he listened. He was hungry. But then the guy next to him started touching him.

"Stop it." He recalled himself saying. Then again. "I said stop it."

The car halted to a stop at an abandoned street way and he was thrown out of the car, his knees scrapping against the pavement and his pants ripping at the knees.

Louis was sobbing when they came out and started to gang up on him. He could also recall himself begging for help, sobbing loudly as they ripped open his shirt. He wasn't strong enough against the three of them. He was scared and lost.

Every time he fought against them, he was hit. They didn't get very far because sirens were heard from afar.

Now he sat here, sobbing at a corner called 'Sleeker' street while staring at his phone which was at thirty percent. He needed Harry. He wasn't far from where Harry was and he knew it.

He tried calling Harry again but no response. It went to voicemail once more.

"Hi, this is Harry! I'm either sleeping, eating, shittin-g or ignoring your phone call. Might as well leave a voicemail to waste more of my time."

Usually he would've laughed at that but he couldn't. His ribs were in pain and he had tears falling down his face.

It's been over twenty minutes and his phone starting ringing, causing him to jump slightly but he picked up right away upon seeing Harry's contact name.


"Louis? Louis, what happened? Baby are you okay?" You can tell Harry just woke up with how raspy his voice is.

"No, no, no." He sobbed out, hugging himself. "I- I was at this party and these guys- they took me and they drove me out like an hour away- I can't get home." He was heaving and sobbing, his knees to his chest.

"Louis, hey. Calm down for me," you could faintly here Harry shuffling around before he heard keys jiggling. "What street are you on?" He breathed out.

He looked around till he saw the sign and he faintly mumbled it into the phone. Harry let out a slight breath of relief when he realized he was near and started rushing out of the door.

Louis was shaking so much from nerves and the cold, eyes looking everywhere now. He was paranoid and scared the guys were going to come back. "Baby, stay on the phone with me. I'm on my way."

He stayed on the phone the whole time and it's been over an hour, his phone only on five percent now. He was just hoping Harry would get here soon. He was scared out of his mind.

Suddenly a car was pulling up in front of him and a large body was rushing to his side. Just in time because his phone cut off. "Louis, Jesus Christ." He heard Harry murmur and he wanted to be happy because Harry was here in the damn flesh but with what he just went through, he couldn't.

His big blue eyes slowly trailed up and Harry sucked in a breath at the sight before leaning down and scooping the boy up, rushing him over to the car.

"It'll be okay. I'm here. You're with me." Harry placed a chaste kiss to the males forehead and then got in himself, starting the car. "I'll take you back to your place and-"

"No." The smaller boy cut the other off and turned to look at him, still shaking. "Can I- I go to yours instead? Please? For the night?" He was scared to go home and let his parents see him like this. He wasn't even supposed to be partying.

"Of course." Harry breathed out and then finally he started driving, gripping the wheel right. He felt anger bubbling up in his chest. He wanted to kill whoever did this. He wanted to wrap his hands around their damn neck and kill them slowly.

- - -

It's been an hour of silence and they were finally at Harry's home. It was so much bigger than Louis' but he barely took noticed. He was too busy picking at his finger nails, a blank look in his eyes. He wasn't even shaking anymore but he was still scared. He never had an experience like that and he was scared out of his mind.

Somehow being in the presence of Harry made him feel so much safer. He was knocked out of his thoughts when his door was opened and he was lifted up.

First he was tense but soon relaxed in his arms, snuggling into his chest. "Harry?"

"Yeah, babe?"

"Did you really run out without a shirt or am I imaging things?" He murmured as he traced one of the birds on his chest.

And it's just what Harry noticed so he let out a small laugh. "I uh- didn't notice. I was in a rush." He murmured softly as he walked up the steps of his home. He left the door open and that's how much of a rush he was earlier. Luckily nobody came in and robbed him.

The perks of living in a rich and vacated neighborhood. He closed the door with his foot before going to the living room and sitting down with Louis on the couch, stroking his hair out of his eyes.

"Let me run you a bath, alright? You can clean up and I'll make some tea and soup. How does that sound." All Louis did was nod and close his eyes, his head pounding. "I'll come back down and get you once I'm done filling the tub. Rest for a few minutes." He kissed the top of the boys head before standing and going upstairs.

Once he was up there he let out a breath and covered his mouth, his heart pounding.

This was real. Louis was in his home. He's here.


I'm full of surprises aren't I? They met. Just like on kinda bad things. I had my muse, I was inspired so wella. I have a headache. Here you go.

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