Sweet Dreams or Sweet Screams?

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I awoke. The past few nights have been a blur. It felt as if I had been drugged and yet the addiction was still too strong. The feelings the swirled in each kill. It only got better for me and at that point I knew Kat was completely gone. Though my feelings for Jeff had still not returned. I don't think they ever were going too.

"Jeff dear are we going out tonight?"

But slowly as I lost myself. It was harder for me to forget what exactly I wanted. Away from Jeff.... He even had managed to make another girl like me. She had chosen Jane as her name. She lives next door to us and slowly the attention that I had received had been placed on her. She wore a black dress and heels. She had beautiful black hair and eyes to match and just like me she was out for revenge. She as well didn't have feeling for Jeff. She wanted to be far away from him. But we both had been his obsession. She be came one more than I. Unlike me she didn't accept Jeff's love at all. I had at first but.... I had met others through her. She socialized with Jeff's friends and slowly I did too. Jane and I had become fast friends. I even helped her save Jeff's victims. But my being obssesed with blood shed it had been hard. I had already killed everything human in me. All that was left was my human body... So as I saved humans I would go hunting with a boy named Jack. He had a blue mask and beautiful black eyes. He wore an entire black outfit that consisted of a hoodie and skinny jeans. His brown shaggy bangs flowing slightly out of the hood. It took a few days but I slowly realized I wasn't just honored to work with him and admiring his skill. I thought he was cute. I wouldn't admit it out loud though. I didn't even tell Jane. She suspected though. I remember the day clearly. We were sitting at the table me writing to my daughter ember... If I ever had her. Jane picking out how we were going to save the next victim and Sally, a little girl we had met at the Creep mansion that we watch over... Mostly I watch over, coloring in her book with her teddy bear.

"So Nina are you going out hunting with Jack tonight? I noticed you have been going out like every night with him."

Sally nodded. She wasn't wrong. I had been going out alot. If it got me away from Jeff and sleeping in bed with Jeff which slowly stopped happening since Jeff would go out or would try and sleep with Jane.. He likes a challenge he would say. I thought he was disgusting and revolted me to no end. I offered for Jane to come with us. To get away. She said no. She said she'd only get in the way and plus Sally needed someone to sleep with, she'd have sally with her. If Sally wasn't with me then she was with Jane. She as well didn't really like Jeff.

"Yeah if you don't mind Sally you're going to sleep with aunty Jane. Mommy's going out with Jack."

I probably should have mentioned I kinda adopted Sally. I didn't really adopt her but Slendy said that since I spent the most time with her and got how special she was and that I got the mother instinct with her, she was to be put in my care. Jane was to help if I needed. As I took my role so did Jane. We loved Sally. Slowly Sally picked names for us. The roles she wanted. She could have just called us Nina and Jane but she called me mommy and Jane, aunty Jane with out us forcing. Jeff became Jerky Jeffy. And jack well as much as I told her... She soon called him daddy. Even without the fact of meeting him or us dating.

"Okay Mommy, tell daddy I say hi!" Sally responded.

Jeff hated that she called Jack that. Also because Jack was his friend.

"Daddy huh?"

Jane said as she looked at me and he face said it all. She knew. Her smirk.. It spoke the words I couldn't.

"Yes, she calls Jack daddy." I looked away blushing.

"Nina you like him don't you. You are having those feelings you wished would come back for Jeff. You have them for Jack?"

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