Wreak Havoc (Update finally)

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It had been weeks since that night but I was still pissed as if it was yesterday.  Who was he and why did he assume he had that power? I as well had not been able to confess the real way I felt about him even though now I lived across the hall with him after he confessed since we were offered a home because of Jeff and my spat. Slendy assuming it was wise to keep us apart. Jane living with me as well. She tried hard to make me confess giving us alone time every time but the more and more we spent time together it seemed as if he only saw me as a friend....And was slowly pulling away from me.  It may have left me a bit salty but I always enjoyed being around him.

It wasn't until this night that things became clear, It started out like normal and with no hope of change when suddenly a loud noise came from outside my door,  for a few weeks I had been receiving notes outside with small things such as a rose or a thing of my favorite snack.

I had try catching who it was assuming it was either him or ben, more than likely Ben since I assumed he would have told me and tonight was my night. I opened my door and there he was.

"Jack what are you doing?" I asked surprised to see him placing the note in place.

"Uh just seeing what you got." He nervously chuckled.

"Jack your the one placing them aren't you?" I asked polity

"Yes... I wanted to give them in person but I couldn't gain the courage and when you talked of how happy it made you on our hunt last week I felt I should continue." He said slightly defeated.

I smiled. "I still love them, I um actually wanted to talk to you about that.... Jack..... I um... I really like you...." I said looking away from his eyes afraid of his answer...

" I like you too Nina." He smiled pulling my chin so I would face him. That's when it happened.

He came screeching down the hall. Jeff.... ruining things just like always pushing jack against the wall.

"She's mine" He growled and when I tried to pull him off he pushed me back and my head hit the wall. Instantly I was out.

Slendy's POV

Jeff had slipped through my grasp... Yet again i found out he had hit a new all time low and started doing steroids to combat the loss of Nina. She was always his weakness even if he didn't want to admit it, though he continued day in and out to hurt her he loved her dearly and the moment she found happiness else where he had to ruin it. When she hated him, he hated himself more and there was nothing to stop him from keeping her exactly where he wanted her. I stumbled upstairs to her room making sure she could protect herself and that's when I saw it, Jeff holding her unconscious form as Jack tried to keep her breathing, tears falling out of Jeff's eyes and he mumbled... " I didn't mean it.... I didn't mean to..." I could only assume what happened and instantly took her form from him. " I think it's best you leave, I will call with news " I said and I walked her into her room getting to work as he moved away.

A/n I know it is a short update but I really wanted to have an actual update for you all, I have had a lot happen recently and am currently really sick. I will try and update more late. Love you all and thank you so much for the support.

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