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As Rose reached the house after following the others she felt something staring at her she whipped around to see nothing. She shrugged it off as she thought she may still be twitchy from the battle and walked into the house.

'You can have moms room' Steven said. Pearl was about to protest but stopped no it's her choice pearl thought as she led Rose to the door. Rose opened the door with her gem ' see you in the morning guys ' as she went to her room and slept.

The next morning she woke up and decided to put on pink cropped jeans and a pastel rainbow thick strapped top and a pair of beautiful onyx black coloured pair of flats. She walked out of her room to see pearl cooking breakfast ' mornin pearl' she said and continued to walk to the window seat, as she sat she saw Steven starting to wake and she rushed to greet him ' morning Steven' she said with her new found smile. Rose was never aloud to smile on the ship so it felt good to her.'oh morning Rose!' Steven said suddenly full of energy 'so Rose I want you to meet Connie today, I think you will like her!' He said with a smile as he changed into his normal starred shirt and jeans. He quickly are breakfast as pearl asked Rose 'being half human do you need to eat' Rose replied with a simply shake of the head and told pearl 'but it helps with my speed'.

'Steven!' Connie shouted to the young boy 'whose this' she asked eagerly 'I'm Rose Stevens sister' Rose said politely. 'Wow your so pretty, you look just like your mom' she said complementary 'thanks Connie your pretty sweet yourself' Rose said just a Jamie the mailman arrived ' hi Steven oh whose this ' he asked Steven as he stared at Rose 'this is my sis Rose' Steven said 'h-hi R-Rose ' he stuttered 'hi your Jamie am I correct?' She asked. Jamie only nodded and gave Steven the mail, then they said quick goodbyes and Jamie left to deliver more mail.

After the three of them played in the ocean and splashed and played until the sunset when Steven said' oh Connie we should she her stevonnie ' Connie nodded, and formed stevonnie 'wow that's so cool you guys' as they unfused 'I gotta go see you guys soon ' called connie as she ran to her dads car' wanna get doughnuts ' asked Steven 'you bet' Rose replied. When they got to the doughnut store Lars and Sadie where chilling behind the counter 'hey Steven whose this' Sadie asked 'this is Rose my sister' as Rose said a quiet hi. Steven ordered two chocolate doughnuts and they left walking into the beach and sitting down.

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