Rin Returns

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Amaimon's P.O.V.

Its been 5 years since Rin disappeared from the hospital. And 4 1/2 years since I broke up wish Sheimi, Amaimon thought. And I can't help but blame myself for it. If I hadn't been dating her he wouldn't have left. Just the Yukio and the others walked in to report if they have found Rin or not. I jumped up hoping for good news. When I saw the look on their face I knew they didn't find him either. Just then my phone began to ring

Mephisto: Brother. Someone has just gone through the Gate of Gehenna. It is a full demon with an extremely strong aura. Tell the others to stay put and stay safe and go see who it is.
Amaimon: Yes big brother. Will do.

"Some extremely powerful demon has crossed into Assiah. Stay here while I go check it out." I said as I ran to find the demon. They nodded and wished me good luck.

Time Skip:

I had found the demon. Their aura seems familiar but for some reason the have no scent. I hurriedly try to catch them off guard so I can figure out who they are. Just as I got ready to attack they looked in my direction and said something I couldn't hear and 'poof' he was gone. I had a terrible feeling I know where they are going. So I quickly returned to the dorm.
Another Time Skip:

When I got back the hooded figure from the woods was there. He had drawn two demonic blades and was attacking. But, he did not cut or hurt anyone with the sharp edge of the sword. Instead he was using the hilt to hit them as if he was trying not to hurt anyone. Then I realized who they were.
"STOP!!" I screamed as the students and Yukio were about to kill him.

"Why are you telling us to stop?" they say glaring at me angrily.

"Because I believe I know who they are." I say as I run to there side. The hooded figure laughed and stood up. He tore off the cloak and revealed his identity.

He smirked and said," Hello Amaimon dearest. Hello everyone. I'm back." I stared at him realizing something was wrong. He was only gone 5 years so he should be 21. But, he looked older then that. His once goofy smile was now a constant smirk. His kind blue eyes where now stone cold and held no emotion. His once black tail was now covered in blue flames.

"RIN! WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU?!" everyone shouted as they attempted to group hug with him. Before they could he leapt into they air and back-flipped so he was outside their hug.

"What happened you ask? Well what happened was I went home to Gahenna to train with Father. I became a full demon and one of his seven demon king sons. I am no longer human. I am also no longer your twin Yuki-chan." he purred as he smirked at us as if enjoying our confusion.

Yukio: What does that mean?
Bon: Why are you acting so jerky Okumura?
Sheimi: Rin why are you acting like this?
Izumo: Where the f*ck have you been?
Miwa: Do you know how worried we've been?
Shima: Why do you look older then us?
Amaimon: Rin, what happened to the fun loving slacking goof ball we all loved?

He grinned smugly," I am not 21 I am 26. Where I was training 1 year for you was two years for me. I am acting jerky cause that's who I am now and cause I can act however I want. I have been in a top secret training area Father made specially for me. And during that training I changed into the son Father always wanted me to be. So deal with it. Oops I have to go now. I must visit Mephisto before my two hours here are up. Good-bye. And I will see you again." And with that he disappeared leaving us all dumbstruck, confused, sad, and guilty.

Author's Note: How is is so far? This stuff has been running through my brain for days. Literally this is all I have been thinking of. Srry if its short. Bye my kitties. Till next time

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