What About The Hickeys

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Rin's P.O.V.

I was getting ready for cram school. My mind kept floating back to the wonderful pleasure Mephisto gave me the night before. But then I realized something... What about the hickeys that he and Amaimon gave me? What if somebody sees them? Oh God I have to keep them hiden so nobody will know I am gay. I sigh and tie an ascot around my neck and pull on a hoodie putting the hood all the way up so you can't see my face or neck at all.

Time Skip:

I get to school and take the seat in the back corner of the classroom hoping everyone will ignore my presents in the room. But instead they acknowledge it and try to talk to me.

Bon: What's up Okumura?
Sheimi: Hi Rin. How are you today?
Shima: Why are you wearing a hoodie? Its like 80° outside.
Izumo: Are you going to say something or just sit there?
Miwa pulls my hood off and undoes the ascot.
"What the fuck Rin! Why do you have bit marks on your neck?"
Bon starts laughing and shouts: Because Okumura is gay!
Sheimi: Is that true?
Izumo: Who are they?
Shima: Are you the seme or the uke?
Miwa: Its obvious he's the uke by the bit marks.
They keep asking annoying question till I can't take it anymore and my anger explodes. "SHUT THE FUCK UP ALL OF YOU! YOU ARE ALL SO GODDAMN ANNOYING! I AM STARTING TO QUESTION WHY I EVEN CAME BACK TO ASSIAH! I WAS BETTER OFF IN GAHENNA!" everyone stares in shock as I yell at them. "W-we didn't mean to upset you Rin (Okumura)" they say.
"You didn't mean to? Oh so you think saying that's gonna help! Its not! I am outta here." And with that said I poof away to somewhere I can be alone.

Sorry if its short. I was pressed on time and have to update my other fanfic. Bye my kitties. Till next time.

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