Rin Dead?

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Yukio's P.O.V.

We all went looking for Rin when he ran off. I went to look in the forest to see if he's hiding there. Just then..... I hear the scariest sound ever....... Rin's blood currdling scream.

"RIN!" I scream. As I run towards where I heard the scream. I freeze.... On the ground is Rin with huge gouge wound on his chest and back, his stomach was cut open and his whole body was covered with cuts and gashes.

"EVERYONE COME HERE NOW!" I yell through the tears. Everyone comes running. Izumo and Sheimi nearly faint, Miwa and Shima puke and Bon looks pale, and Amaimon runs to Rin's side crying and trying to heal Rin.

"What happened to him? Is he dead? Please don't let him be dead." the ones who weren't unconscious asked.

I stared at his unmoving body still in shock. "I-I don't know. Someone go grab my med  kit quickly!" I say almost in tears. Bon runs and quickly grabs it and comes back.

"Here it is Mr. Okumura. What are you going to do?" he asks.

"I am going to sew up his gouging cuts, his stomach, and gashes." I say as I begin working on his wounds.

"Please don't let him die. Father and our older brothers would kill me if I let our baby brother die." Amaimon says crying on my shoulder. Everyone tries to comfort him as I finish sewing up his wounds.

"What now?" they all ask.

"Now? Now we need to get him to hospital." after I say that Bone and Shima pick him up and carry him as the rest of us follow.

Time Skip:

We got him to the hospital and he got all his wounds properly treated and he was put on a blood drip because he lost a lot of blood.

Time Skip To Rin Leaving The Hospital:

To be continued next chapter.
Srry but Im lazy.

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