The Five Stages Of #It'sBack

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The Five Stages of Back to School

Denial: The supplies

Me: Why can't we just go to 99 Cents store to buy this stuff

Dad: It's not that expensive.

Me: But 99 Cents store is fine.

Dad: We can go to Walmart.

Price ends up being 50 bucks.

Anger: The schedule

Me: Wtf no classes with anybody

Me: Why

Me: School wtf you want me to actually pay attention don't you

Me: I don't even wanna go you know

Me: I'd rather sing and read fanfiction.

Bargaining: The trips

Me: Mom. Mom. Mom. Mom.

Mom: What?

Me: Let's do something fun before school starts.

Mom: No, I'm playing my game.

Me: Okay. Dad.

Dad: *taking a nap*

Me: Fucccckkk.

Depression: The night before

Me: What if I can't find my classes

Me: What if I don't like my classes

Me: What if school's just a dream and I'm going crazy

Me: Why do I even have school again

Acceptance: Five Hundred Sheep Over the Fence

Me: Five hundred sheep jump over the fence

Me: And still no sleep for me

Me: Add one now, still can't sleep

Me: Now it's five hundred and one fucking sheep

Major crash after the first day. Ah gawd...

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