senpai notished

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Me: I'm gonna do it

Me: I'm really gonna do it

Me: I'm a big girl

Me: I will do it

Me: *goes on Senpai's What I Think of You book*

Me: *goes to first chapter*

Me: ...

Me: ...

Me: ...

Me: *quickly types in comment*

Me: *leaves and does homework*

Me: you saw nothing

Me: you heard nothing

Me: you know nothing


Me: it's one o'clock

Me: shit I got school

Me: *checks Wattpad*

Senpai: *has chapters posted*

Me: wha

Me: Yay

Me: I'm on there.

Me: Well, I might as well read it before I go to bed.

Me: *clicks on chapter*

~At Who Knows What Time in The Morning~

Me: *dying of happiness in my bed*

Me: So many positive things

Me: That I don't know if they're lies or not

Me: I'll live in a world of lies anyway, so I might as well believe it

Me: *still dying of happiness*

(So happy, so unsure of it's lies or not, so uncaring, so grateful. Sankyuus to all my Senpais. Which is everyone.)

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