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We just finished a concert in another city and we're all extremely tired. I get irritated by the smell of sweat filling up the room so I take a shower.
I get out and all the boys look like they've showered as well. I dry my hair and Calum walks up to me.

"Would you like to go on a date with me?" He asks blushing.

"Of course." I giggle and kiss his forehead.

It's been a while since Calum and I have been on a date so I'm definitely excited. I dress in black but more formal than what I usually wear and tell him that I was ready.

"You look nice." Calum smirks checking me out.

"Shut up." I say giggling.

He takes me to a pizza place. It's not the kind of pizza place that hosts parties, it's a little bit more elegant. It's kinda small but has vintage written all over it.

We sit in a booth and I sit across from him. The waiter comes asks us what we'd like to eat, Calum ordered this pizza in a shape of an eight and I ordered pizza and a salad.

"A salad?" He asks and I nod like duh. "Who are you and what did you do to Michael?" He asks sarcastically.

"I'm a robot."

"Ew, I don't want to kiss a robot." He sticks his tongue out.

"Robots don't have feelings but you managed to hurt this robots feelings."
He shuts up and looks shocked as if I just revealed how to cure cancer. I put a cherry tomato in his open mouth and close it. While he's eating he says "God you're adorable.".

He takes a slice of my pizza and eats it looking at me. I try taking a pizza slice from him but he slaps my hand.

"No fair! You took a slice from me." I complain.

"I know."

"You're a dick."

He keeps eating and takes a sip of his soda. I ran out of soda and so I did what that guy from that clip did. I leaned in pretending to kiss Calum but then I moved to take a sip of his soda.

He scoffs and says, "You suck." I smirk and keep eating.

We split the check and walk around the city. We talk about absolutely the dumbest things and I feel his hand gently touch mine.

"Bro. Your hand looks heavy, let me carry it for you." He laughs and we hold hands.

"Okay so if you had to choose between: no underwear for a week or no phone for a week, which one would it be?" I ask.

He thinks about it for a while then says, "No phone for a week."


"I don't really need it. I get to really be with the people I want to be with and I won't be on my phone the entire time." He explains defending his answer.

"Plus I can stare at something even better than a four inch screen."

"What's that exactly?"


I scoff, "Oh wow you're so cheesy."

We laugh and he kissed my cheek. We get back to the hotel and the boys aren't there. Probably in their rooms doing nothing.

Calum cups my face and kisses me. It gets late and we get into bed and go to sleep.

His Eyes (Complete Malum Fanic)Where stories live. Discover now