Thirty one

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He finally wakes up and we smile. He frowns and looks at his feet but winces placing a hand on his stomach.

"Are you feeling alright?" I ask still looking at his feet.

His feet are swollen and red dots are sprinkled everywhere where the shards were.

"Yeah I'm fine." Calum says reassuringly.

We all stay quiet not knowing what to say. "Can I have a minute with Michael? I-if it's not rude to ask for." Calum asks.

"Of course mate. We'll be outside." Ashton smiles opening the door and they exit.

I smile and his lips turn into a line. "So." I chuckle sheepishly.

"Does the name 'Brandon' ring a bell to you?" He asks furrowing his eyebrows.

I feel as if I look pale. Everyone knows the name Brandon exists but is he talking about the Brandon I'm thinking about?

"Uh, yeah it is." I answer.

He sighs. "Let me see your back." He demands and I get confused. "Erm, why do you need to see my back?" I ask.

"I'll tell you just let me see."

I obey and take off my shirt turning so that my back is facing him. After a few seconds I get cold and slip the shirt back on.

"There's scratches on your back." He states.

"I believe there is." I respond. He's definitely talking about the Brandon I'm thinking of.

"Why?" He asks crossing his arms.

"I didn't sleep with him I swear." He knows what we're talking about. Without even mentioning Brandon besides the name.

"Then why the hell did he tell me to meet up with him just to tell me about how you slept with him. He even showed me a picture, Michael. A picture."

"It's seriously not what you think it is." I sigh.

"Then what is it? You tell me not to cheat on you and you go about sleeping with other guys?! What I did to you, was it that bad?" He asks but I'm not sure whether or not he's mad or sad.

He's smad.

"He raped me Calum.." I explain as I remember what happened.

I look up and his eyes are wide open along with his mouth. I look away not wanting to face him.

"When did that happen?" He asks concerned.

"I'd rather just tell you how this all happened. How I met him, everything." He nods and I sigh. "When you kissed Niall, I left and walked around the park. He was there and he was hitting on me. Fast forward to the concert where I left because I didn't want to see you cry. He found me and I wanted to run away from him but he got me and rapped me. The scratches are from him trying to get a hold of me.

I don't know how the photo looked like but I'm sorry. I didn't know how to explain it and I wanted to tell you but I don't know I just felt like shit."

I wait for a response from Calum but he's just sniffling. "C'mere." I go to him and he hugs me tightly.

"I'm sorry that happened to you. God I'm such a dick. Baby please don't hesitate on telling me these things. I don't mind and I care about you."

I kiss his forehead knowing how much he loves it and smile.

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