Forty six

49 1 0

The flight finally ends and I feel a little drowsy as I get off the plane. I held onto Calum's bicep as he lead me to our van. We get on and the ride to the hotel was quick.

Once we got to our floor and room, I fell on the soft bed and sighed in relief. "Are you that tired?" Calum asks as he lays next to me.

I shrug because I didn't feel tired. I just didn't want to sit anymore so laying on a bed was better. I flip over and face the ceiling and Calum is doing the same.

"I love you." He mumbles and I giggle.

"You're sounding like my mum." I comment and he scoffs.

"Just thought you wanted to know." He sasses and sticks out his tongue.

"I love you too, dumbass." I say and chuckle.

I continue to stare at the ceiling as I feel Calum starting to stare at me. He softly touches my cheek and chuckles. Suddenly, he moves and is now straddling me.

He plants a kiss on my lips and I hold onto his neck to deepen the kiss. My thumb is rubbing soft little circles on his cheek and he smiles into the kiss. He pulls away and stares into my eyes again.

My hand falls onto his bicep and I start tracing his tattoos. I've done this before but it's always fun. Each fingerprint of black ink is fun to trace.

"I want another one." He says as I continue to trace his sister's name.

"What do you have in mind?" I ask and look into his eyes.

He shrugs and smiles. "Maybe you can help me with that." He says and a thought pops in my head.

"Do you really want matching tattoos?" I ask and he nods.

I think about it for a moment. We can't escape each other considering that we're in the same band and dating.

"You're paying right?" I ask and he shakes his head.

"I don't know the currency here!" He complains and I laugh.

"Fine, I'll pay." I state and he smiles brightly before getting up and running to the door.

He holds out his hand and I giggle as I take it. He then swings the door open and walks out. I laugh as he makes funny faces at me.

"Do you know what we're getting?" I ask him trying not to laugh.

He shakes his head and I giggle. I feel his soft thumb making circles on the back of my hand. I kiss his cheek as we got off the elevator.

Calum then immediately removed his hand from mine and shoved it in his pocket. I frowned but understood. We haven't told the fans yet and I doubt we want to slip.

We got into the van outside the lobby. Calum asked the driver to take us to the best tattoo parlor. I stare out the window as he drives us there.

Once we got there, security guards guarded the shop after we went in. We filled out the papers and everything and waited. We talked about the tattoos and then we got called into a spot near the end of the shop.

"What would you like?" A woman with colorful tattoos, piercings and bright pink hair asked.

"Guitar picks on our ankles." I answer and she smiles. She sets up her gear as Calum sits on a leather chair and pulls up his pants. He takes off his shoe and sock.

"Let me just say," She starts as she turns on the machine.

"You two are adorable together." She compliments and I smile. Then she starts to tattoo Calum's skin.

This is forever. This is a decision both of us made together. I felt both proud and happy that we decided to commit to this.



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