Twenty eight

63 4 0

[Calum's P.O.V.]

"Promise me you'll eat."

"I'm sorry but I can't promise that."

"This is hurting me Michael."

He looks away blinking away the tears.

"Can you try at least?"

He nods reluctantly. I kiss his forehead. I don't want him to do this to himself.

"Are you sad?" I ask.

He scoffs then answers in a sarcastic matter. "I'm so fucking happy."

"Can I make you happy?" I ask kneeling down to look into his eyes.

He nods. I grab his wrist and pull him into the living room. I sit him down on the couch.

"Stay there."

I rush into a room where Ashton and Luke where at. "Stay out of the living room, yeah?"

"Why?" Ashton asks.

"I'm going to try to make Michael happy." I explain and they both smile agreeing to let us have the little living room.

I shut all the doors that lead to the little living room. I just don't want people around Michael and I.

"What are we going to do again?" He asks confused.

"We're building a fort."

He rolled his eyes and got up. "What do I get?" He asked smiling then standing up.

"Pillows, blankets and a computer." I respond and he nods going into every room getting the supplies.

He got back and dropped everything on the floor except for the computer. I take out the cushions and tell him the plan.

"Okay so think of the couch as a base. We'll use it to prop up the blankets forming a tent, then the pillows and bam! It's done."

A giggle escapes Michael's mouth and I pout. "What's so funny?" I ask sounding like a kid.

"You're taking this seriously. It's adorable."

I grinned and started setting it up. It took about half an hour to get it set up.

Michael sighed. "Okay now to destroy it." He yelled touching it slightly.

"Don't you fucking dare."

"I'm kidding!" He said laughing holding up his hands in surrender.

I roll my eyes then he asks why we needed the computer. "Because we're going to watch Netflix, duh."

We crawl in the fort and start watching 'Mean Girls'.

"Promise you won't do that to me?"

"Won't do what?" I ask.

"Promise you won't kiss someone in front of me again."

"I promise. I love you and I'll never do that to you again."

I look at his pink lips. Wanting to kiss them is killing me slowly. I don't know if he'll be okay with it.

He said he wanted space and here I am wanting to kiss him. I guess he notices and asks what's wrong.

I shake my head no but he doesn't look convinced. I sigh and look at him then his lips.

"I can't kiss you."

He scoffs. "Yes you can."

"But you ne-" Before I could finish my sentence, he latches onto my lips.

God I've missed them so much. We kiss and his tongue invites itself in my mouth.

I haven't kissing him like that in such a long time, and I let out a moan. I bite his lip and he gets excited. We stop and our lips are a little swollen.

"Yes you can." He reminds me while smirking.

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