Chapter 10

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"when I said I'd help you, I didn't mean this," Ty whispered angrily. he really didn't want to go inside.

we were standing in front of the elevator shaft that ran down the center of the Trade Station. Ty wanted to help Gemma find her brother but I knew he was worried about ruining his life in the process. I sighed, slightly annoyed with how nervous he was. I know he was on edge about his parents moving topside but it never really stopped him from breaking a few rules before.

"you promised me, Ty!" she reminded him. "and anyway, Hope is eighteen now. we'll get in just fine. plus its day. the salon will be empty. we should have come last night."

"day, night, doesn't matter really," Ty grumbled.

"miners, tide-runners, prospectors, rudder-rookies, and swabbies. all come up to gamble. you should put away your cash." I added pointing at her belt after counting on my fingers as a visual record of the different types of people that would be in the Saloon. "you won't be able to bribe anyone." I couldn't help but feel that we would draw attention.

"but I've shown Richard's picture everywhere else." she sighed, putting her money away.

"well, we could ask them as they go in." Ty said searching for a reason not to go in.

"what about all of the ones already inside?" Gemma asked with renewed determination.

"listen." Ty said with a different plan to dissuade her. "there's something I didn't tell you. after the house collapsed, I saw something." he said uncomfortably.

"we saw Shade," I interrupted, leaving against the cool glass wall calmly, looking outside. when I said his name, my stomach did somersaults.

Gemma's eyes widened, looking at him. she did seem a little spooked now.

"he was so white. he looked like a corpse." Ty said before pausing. "we followed him. well, Hope was closer. almost touching him."

"did you find his lair? did he catch you, Hope?" Gemma questioned.

Ty rolled his eyes when she said lair. "no, he attacked me and took the manta board,"

Gemma gasped looking at me, as if waiting for a similar story. "did he attack you too?"

I looked at her shrugging. I didn't really feel like sharing what had happened. especially not after Ty had left me there. he didn't really attack me but it was surreal. Ty broke the silence.

"I'm telling you this because that's the sort of men who will be in the Saloon." he said pointing to the floor. "you're picturing your brother, but that's not what you'll find down there,"

"were his eyes pink?" she asked as if Ty hadn't said anything.

"Shade's?" I asked shocked at her interest.

she nodded, curiosity oozing from her expression.

"he didn't really have eyes. just gaping black holes." Ty cut in. Gemma gasped covering her mouth. "that's how it looked anyway. I'm sure he was just wearing dark contact lenses."

"I'm not so sure, Ty." I said cautiously. I knew that what I saw wasn't a contact lens. it's as if his eyes were changing colors.

"I've read that albinos are nearly blind." Gemma said thoughtfully.

"he saw me well enough. he managed to shoot a harpoon into my manta board." Ty said

Gemma suddenly frowned. "your trying to scare me again."

just as Ty was about to respond, the elevator doors opened and an unsteady miner sauntered out. Gemma backed away, only to bump into Ty, who in turn pushed me. I flinched when I bumped into the drunk.

Dark Water (A Dark Life Fanfiction) [edited]Where stories live. Discover now