Chapter 12

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Ty was still shaken from the encounter in the elevator. Truthfully, I wasn't. I felt warm and numb and as if I were floating on a water current all at once. it was terrible, and painfully obvious. After shooting me a weird look, Ty brought the Slicky to the surface, crashing through the waves. When the water settled around the sub, I opened the hatch. I could see Gemma standing on the docking-ring with a duffle bag at her feet. She had changed out of the filthy lost and found cloths before heading toward us as Ty docked.

I climbed onto the dock as Ty poked his head out, welcoming the coming rain on his skin. My own gaze was staring out to sea as the waves crashed together. A terrible storm was heading in, and it was mesmerizing.

there was no fish market today, partly because of the storm but also because it was Saturday. the Surface Deck was absolutely deserted. Almost peaceful.

The coarse sea air washed over me, but something else drew my attention. a alarmed vibe was coming from Ty. I followed his gaze as he scanned the Surface Deck. There was no one but Gemma. I could feel it too. Something was wrong with the view.

"Gemma! Over --" Ty began but was interrupted by a shadow moving across the promenade. It's outline was human but featureless. An impossible shadow, giving there was no Sun or man to cast it.

"Ty!" Gemma waved, oblivious as she sprinted toward us.

The shadow halted as she dropped the duffle bag after Ty into the sub. As she climbed inside, I watched the shadow watch her. Twin embers burned where the eyes should be. Running my thumb across my neck, I sent a clear sign, which the shadow promptly disappeared from. I didn't care if he was dangerous or not.

'I will kill you if you try to hurt them'


"Are you really going to tell the others that Shade isn't an Albino?" Gemma asked as the Slinky sank toward the dark blue waters below.

"As soon as we get home." Ty nodded.

"But Shade said he'd kill you!"

"I don't care what he said. I don't obey him, or keep his secrets," Ty said definitely. He leveled off once he was sure we wouldn't hit any divers or fishing nets. I stared silently out the window.

"But what if he comes after you?"

"He will.. He's not done with us yet" I said, grimly looking through the viewing dome. I knew it wouldn't be long before they'd come after us. Shade gave us no insurance or reason to trust his word.

"If he searches every homestead, someone's bound to harpoon him." Ty said coldly.

A shiver crept up my spine at his tone. despite my threatening gesture, there was something able Shade that fascinated me, as much as I hated to admit it to myself.Gemma kept thinking about theories of how they would find him. Ty frowned, saying that once the settlers knew that he wasn't albino, they'd be able to catch him. More than anything, he wanted Shade in jail so Benthic Territory had a chance.

"You mean your parents will stay and in three years you'll be able to stake a claim." Gemma nodded.

"Two and a half," he admitted.

"Well, I hope he gets eaten by a killer whale," Gemma frowned.

"Orcas don't eat people," I said, unable to suppress a smile. She seemed so naive.

I laughed as Gemma and Ty started talking about whether or not Ty was handsome. He of course denied her compliments, only wanting to be normal. it was slightly aggravating how badly he wanted normal. granted Dark Gifts are no walk in the figurative park. After talking a bout her brother for a moment, Ty realized they were near the prison Doc had talked about.

"there it is," Gemma pointed out the window.

Ty looked at the dark object, forgetting to steer. Cursing, he zoomed the sub upward to miss the building. A blip on the radar captured my full attention now. My blood suddenly went cold and Ty seemed to have the same thought.

"Is that a whale?" Gemma asked as it quickly went off the screen.

"Whales don't avoid sonar readings." Ty said, trying to stay calm.

"It's doing that on purpose? is it a sub?" Gemma asked confused.

"Yeah-" he began.

"It's the Spector. Couldn't be anything else," I stated, picking up Gemma's duffle bag and shoving it below the floor with other equipment.

"Speed up!" Gemma nearly shouted.

"We can't out run... them," I said, slowing my sentence as the sound of a hundred pebbles hitting the roof drew our attention.

"What was that?" Gemma asked.

"A net" Ty said as the window was covered with titanium mesh. I ran through the narrow corridor and up to the hatch to look out at the Spector as Ty tried to duck the sub under the weighted edge of the net. By the sound of his cursing, I knew it was already too late. All they had to do was draw us in.

I could see the Spector high above us. A circle of light appeared, shining through the little window. They had removed a port, ready to position the sub to bring the hatch up to board us. Clamping the hatch lock, I tried to think of other ways to slow them down. They'd get in eventually, prying the sub open like a clam shell.

"But Shade said he'd give you another chance," Gemma said as Ty shoved a helmet into her arms.

"Never gave a second chance..." I said, knowing there was only two helmets.

"Can you believe it? Shade lied," Ty said, slamming the Slinky into hard reverse.

"Don't be sarcastic, Ty" I said as the Spector sped forward, dragging us along.

"Sorry, I'm not used to being hunted.." He grumbled.

"I am.." I muttered grimly, cutting the motor before it burnt out. it was no match for the Spector. The Slinky jerked forward as they started hauling us in. Switching on the Slinky's heartbeat, a mechanical pulse, I shoved the second helmet into Ty's hands. "Go. he can't kill you if your not inside. I'll slow them down."

"But, that's...."

"She's right, Gemma. By the time they crack the hatch, they'll be at least a mile away. They won't know where to start. We'll have a head start. We can swim to the Preavey's. That's where everyone will be."

"I'm not leaving the sub." She protested.

"yes, krakens, sharks, and sea bears. we don't have time for this," I said harshly.

"I can't swim," Gemma admitted.

"We'll fall. I'll protect you." Ty promised while I looked taken aback about the fact she couldn't swim.

"it's dark, you wouldn't see a shark til it's bitten your head off," she protested still.

"He will. now go, you don't have much time," I urged.

"How?" She frowned.

"Dark Gifts are real. He lied, now go!" I urged, pushing them into the room.

She paused to question but Ty made her put helmet on. I closed the door, latching it shut before going back to the cockpit. As they made their escape, I laid under the controls, rewiring the Home button so that the Slinky wouldn't take them to Ty's homestead. It was only a matter of time and Ty needed as much as I could give him.


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