Chapter 13

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Gemma and Ty quickly dropped out of sight. Ty looked up as the Slinky was towed was, soon to be boarded. As they descended through a cyclone of mackerel, he smiled as she held Ty close. A sailfish passed them, flashing blue as a distraction to confuse the school of mackerel. After the initial terror subsided, Gemma began to small at the wildlife around her.

Despite the sign language barrier, Ty got Gemma to push a button that would make the fins slide out on her boots. However, she didn't realize she had to kick her legs to stay upright. Ty pushed the control on her wrist screen that turned to helmets to show ultraviolet light. As they touched down on the ground, they were in an enormous cloud of pink jellyfish. Ty gently pushed a few aside to cut a path, leading Gemma toward the Peavey's homestead.


Still fiddling with various systems, I paused hearing the hatch finally being pried open. Despite every instinct to hide, I continued my work. The sound of boots nearing me caused me to review my plan. I started ripping compete wire out of the console. My back arching as I reached deeper in to cause more damage. I froze as the boots stopped, only feet away. With my hands still in the belly of the console I carefully pulled out the main navigation wire and slipped it far into a gap.

"Where are they?" Shade's voice asked, obviously pissed.

"Who?" I asked trying to keep calm as I pulled another wire. This time it shocked me. "Son of a-" I frowned, popping my finger in my mouth to lull the pain away.

"Don't ink me, girl!" he roared, grabbing my foot.

With ease, he dragged me out from under to console. He blinked seeing my with my finger in my mouth. I took it out, wiping it on my diveskin before crossing my arms, not bothering to sit up. The rest of the Seablite Gang circled me, looking for Ty and Gemma in very possible place. Shade's tattoos writhed as his eyes flickered with anger.

"Where are they?" he growled, grabbing hold of my diveskin.

He hoisted me up before slamming me against to nearest wall. my eyes screwed shut as pain shot up my spine. I slowly looked at him, but remained silent. His anger slowly calmed but didn't vanish. I watched as his free hand slowly clasped around my neck as if a warning.

"You don't want to play this game with me," he warned, a lethal note in his voice.

"I never was playing," I said, all pretenses gone.

"Eel, tie her up. I'll deal with her later. Fang, fix that damn console," he ordered, pushing me over to Eel who grinned down at me.

I struggled as Eel pulled me from the cockpit. my eyes were locked on Shade. "You said you gave him a second chance!!"

"What do you know, I lied," He smirked. His men laughing as well as they got to work.

"You bastard! I hate you Shade!" I yelled, wriggling free and running toward Shade. he turned on me and floored me. coughing softly, I spit blood before glaring at him. "I'll kill you if you even touch them"

"I'd like to see you try," he growled down at me before nodding for Eel to take me from the cockpit. Eel grabbed my elbow and wrapped an arm about me, hoisting me up. He walked me to a small room that had a pull down cot. Pushing me down onto it, he sat beside me.

"so...." he began.

"Shut up and get out!" I glared, pulling my knees to my chest.

"hey. hey. I'm just following orders. So you can't talk to me that way!" he frowned, standing.

"I'll talk to you any way I please! you are all scum and criminals!" I yelled standing as well. "I hope someone shoots a harpoon in your heart!"

"keep it up, sweetheart. Shade'll take that meanstreak right out of you. I'd teach you a lesson myself but he'll cause more damage." he stated, slamming and locking the door.


Ty and Gemma stood outside Seablite reformation, which Doc had called a prison and turned on their crownlights. Gemma stayed close as a whale came to investigate them. Ty smiled up at it, knowing this would be their ride toward the Shurl's homestead.


I hope you enjoyed it. :) please vote and comment. I'll have the next chapter up soon.

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