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#1- I walk down the street with music in my ears and feel like I'm in a music video.

#2- That look you give your friends when someone attractive walks in the room.

#3- That awkward moment when someone deletes their comment off a status and it looks like you were talkng to yourself.

#4- Writing. Like. This. Doesn't. Make. Your. Point. Any. Stronger. It. Makes. It. Look. Like. Your. Computer. Has. Asthma.

#5- That awkward moment when you finish watching a TV series and you don't know what to do with your life any more.

#6- Changing the word because you don't know how to spell it.

#7- Life ends when you stop dreaming. Hope ends when you stop believing. Love ends when you stop caring. So, dream, hope and love.

#8- The best way to tell someone you don't like them is to text them "370HSSV 0773H" and tell them to read it upside down.

#9- We all have a friend who always thinks of everything in a dirty way.

#10- I eat the food on my plate in order from least favorite to most favorite.

#11- Learn to accept how people judge you, but never let it sink into your nerves especially when you know it's not true.

#12- When you think you're not happy with your LIFE, always think that someone is happy simply because YOU EXIST.

#13- IN THE CAR: When a sad song comes on the radio, I stare out the window and pretend to act it out.

#14- The walk of shame when you have to put something back in a store after your mom says "no."

#15- Laughter is the best medicine. But, if you're laughing without any reason, you need medicine.

#16- Waiting until your parents are in a good mood before asking them for something you want.

#17- It goes from "babe" to "bitch" "I love you" to "I hate you" "I need you" to "fuck you" "you're my everything" to "you're nothing".

#18- Closing the fridge slow enough to see when the light goes off.

#19- The awkward moment when some's zupper is down & you don't know whether to tell, because you can't explain why you were looking that low.

#20- That awkward moment when you realize that if Taylor Swift and Taylor Lautner get married, they would both be Taylor Lautner.

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