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#41- At 11:56 pm on December 20, 2012 I'm gonna blast "4 minutes" by Madonna. (It was the day that the world was supposed to end.)

#42- Shutting down the computer and realizing you need it again.

#43- Awkward: Your cell phone going off full volume at a funeral. Even more awkward: Your rington being, "I Will Survive".

#44- Hearing yourself on a recording and asking if that's what you really sound like.

#45- We all have that one friend who needs to learn how to whisper. Vote if you are that friend.

#46- Watching a horror movie and thinking: "No, don't kill him! He's HOT."

#47- Opening a test paper & seeing the first question and thinking "Yeah, I'm screwed."

#48- The awkwardness when you still can't understand someone after they've repeated themselves about 4 times.

#49- When I was a kid I drew the sun with sunglasses in the corner of the page.

#50- Going to your friends house, and just being like, "B*tch, feed me."

#51- I always tell people "I'm almost there" even though I haven't left the house.

#52- "I can't eat anymore, I'm full!" "Do you want any dessert?" "YESSSSSS!!"

#53- Seeing someone your friend hates and saying, "There's your best friend".

#54- Dear Hair, I am sorry I burn you, cut you, and tie you up. But I will always, always love you.

#55- That awesome moment when you wake up thinking you have to syart getting ready for school...then you realize it's Saturday.

#56- That song on your iPod that you always skip, but never delete.

#57- That moment when you're drifting off to sleep and you suddenly feel like you're falling.

#58- Running to get the phone, and right when you're about to grab it, it stops ringing.

#59- TIP TO REDUCE WEIGHT: Turn your head to the left and then turn to the right. Repeat exercise when offered something to eat...

#60- Admit it...you've googled yourself.

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