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#281- "What if..." "That wont happen." "Yeah, but WHAT IF?"

#282- Dear headphones, Please stop having wild sex in my pocket. Sincerely, Tired of untangling.

#283- Lying in bed, wondering if it's worth it to get up and pee.

#284- When you are lazy to pick up something so you just use your feet as your hand...

#285- I hate it when I'm singing a song and someone corrects me....I'm like B*tch what if I was freestyling?

#286- Emotionally: I'm done. Mentally: I'm drained. Spritually: I feel dead. Physically: I smile.

#287- Dear Mom & Dad, If my friends really did jump off a cliff, it's because it was my idea. Sincerely, your daughter is a leader not a follower.

#288- You know someone is a true friend when you break down and cry, but they will say the stupidest, most random thing just to see you smile.

#289- Procrastination (verb)- What you're probably doing now.

#290- My favorite sex position? It's called the virgin. You stand there with your legs closed shut waiting for the right person to come along.

#291- That awkward moment when your mom calls you by your sibling's name.

#292- That awkward moment when you say 'Hey' to someone on Facebook chat, and seconds later they sign out.

#293- The awkward moment when someone stares at you, while you are typing your password.

#294- That awkward moment when it's your birthday, and people are singing Happy Birthday to you, and you just stand there, clueless of what to do.

#295- Hey, remember me? We used to talk every single day. Now you're acting like I don't exist. It hurts because someone else has taken my place.

#296- That awkward moment when you realize someone was actually home the whole time you were singing at the top of your lungs.

#297- Some kids want drufs, some want alcohol. Honestly, all I want is a good nap.

#298- I wonder if I've met the person I'm going to marry.

#299- Internet Connection Failed: ? Wait Patiently? Rape the refresh button 10 million times!

#300- That one moment when I know the answer, raise my hand, and someone yells out the answer.

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