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#121- I remember when my bestfriend was shy and quiet, I created a monster.

#122- That awkward moment when you're on an embarrassing website and your computer freezes.

#123- When someone says "You just made my day!" it makes my day.

#124- If he only wants your breasts, legs, and thighs send him to KFC.

#125- Teacher: "You should KNOW this, you learning it 3 YEARS AGO!" Me: "Duh, I don't even remember what happened last week!!"

#126- The awkward moment when you're mad at someone, and then they make you laugh.

#127- The moment, when you and your best friend look at each other and know what you both are thinking & laugh.

#128- Roses are red, Facebook is blue, no mutual friends, who the hell are you?

#129- That annoying moment when you really want to say something, but then someone changes the topic...evil bastard.

#130- The awkward moment when you finally take a decent picture and then as you continue to stare at it, it gets uglier.

#131- When I see an argument on Facebook, I sit there refreshing the page while thinking to myself "Shit, this is gonna be good!"

#132- Those annoying 5 seconds you have to wait to pir the soda again until the fizz goes down.

#133- Letting your phone ring a few times before answering, so that you don't seem so eager to get that call.

#134- *phone vibrates at home* you can barely hear it. *phone vibrates at school* FREAKING EARTHQUAKE!

#135- I hate it when people text me "K". I'm very rarely in the mood to talk about Potassium.

#136- Whenever I wear headphones I feel like everyone is calling me.

#137- That awkward moment when a teacher continuosly stares at you during an exam, making it hard for you to concentrate.

#138- We spend too much time wondering why we're not good enough. We waste too much time putting ourselves down & we never see the positives.

#139- Facebook needs to add a 'Still banging my ex' as a relationship status option.

#140- Taking my bra off at the end of a super long day is quite possibly one of the best feelings ever.

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