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yoonki pov

just then, i felt my body meet not the cold ground, but two warm and strong arms wrapping around my waist. i opened my eyes that were previously shut really tight and locked eyes with the redhead.

"j-j-jimin yah?" i stuttered, because i was shocked.

"hey i caught you babe" he said as he smirked and winked.

i was really shocked and i didnt reply and we just continued to stare at each other for what seemed like 383822years. and the thing is, his arms that were wrapped around me were still there.

i stared into his eyes and looked at his facial features.

(god hes so handsome and hot and cute how did he not become my bias)

i watched him as his eyes suddenly widened and he immediately let go and i..kinda fell to the ground..on my butt.

"oh shit what" he cursed as he immediately pulled me up, blushing.

i chuckled at his flustered self and said, "its ok oppa. uhh thanks for saving me..i-"

"yah dont even think about committing suicide ok?? pabo why did you even-" jimin interruptted as he flicked my forehead.

"ow...yah i wasnt trying to commit suicide but...hmm oppa you actually care about me huhhhhh" i rubbed the place where he flicked and tried to copy his signature smirk as i teased him.

"m-m-mwo?? i just didnt want there to be a suicide case in school.." he muttered, his voice getting softer and softer as another apparent blush appeared on his rosy cheeks.

(crap hes so cute)

i continued admiring his cuteness.

"uh anyway, if you werent committing suicide.. what were you doing??" he asked, obviously trying to change the topic.

"well...i was..trying to pluck this flower...." i mumbled, embarrassed.

(oh shit what will he think of me he will think im crazy ahhhh)

he stared at me for a while before he cracked up and started laughing.

"yah oppa. stop laughing" i whined as i felt my face burning.

"ok ok i'll stop. hey do you think you can help me get up babe??" he said as he gave me puppy eyes.


i tried to pull him up and i was wondering if i could because he looked quite heavy and strong and i was.. just a potato.

well, i eventually did it but just as he was about to get back on his two feet again, i lost my strength and let go of his hand. and, he fell on his butt again.

it was now my turn to laugh uncontrollably and i just kept laughing and laughing. laughing at his shocked face when he fell, throwing away whatever decent impression he had on me.

suddenly, he embraced me again, looked into my eyes and said, "yah if you wont stop laughing i'll kiss you"

i gulped and immediately stopped laughing. i stood there, frozen as he leaned in.

(omg omg omg omg omg omg)

our noses were touching and i shut my eyes tight, nervous when suddenly...

"WHOS YOUR FRIEND WHO LIKES TO PLAY???" i heard a few voices but was still too shocked to move.


i immediately pushed jimin a little and turned to the direction of the voice.

oh my its the rest of bangtan.

"uh-uh i can explain.." i stuttered, nervous even though we didnt really do anything wrong.

"are you guys...dating??" yoongi oppa asked.

"on the second day of school??" taehyung oppa asked as his eyes widened.

"wow you two..." jin oppa said as he stared at us with his eyes wide.

(what the i feel so molested..)

i felt my face burning up.

"aniya..i was just trying to pluck this flower and then jiminnie oppa came to help me because i lost my balance.." i muttered and jimin nodded.

"yeah she was such a pabo trying to pluck that flower hehe" he added on as he cracked up again.

"yah stop it jiminnie" i whined as i flicked his forehead back.


"but you really are cute.."he whispered.

my eyes widened and i looked at him and said, "what?"

his face immediately flushed red and he shook his head and muttered,
"uhh,aniya i said nothing.."

(a/n:aniya means no)

(hmm im sure i heard him say...ayy nevermind)

"okay then...but you two are cute kekekke" kookie said and i pushed him.

just then, my phone beeped and i answered the call.

s: yoonie its me im sorry but i wont be coming to school today~
me: oh are u ok? are u sick?
s: aniya i just woke up late and then i felt lazy hehe
me:yah mwoya because you woke up late youre leaving me alone??
s; yah you have bangtan, and your babe hehehehehe
((and i felt my face burning again))
me:yah we're not-
s;whatever yoonie bye!!
me:yah song yoon shi-
*toottoot* *

(stupid girl she hung up)

"yoonie yah is shinnie not coming?" jungkook muttered as his eyes sparkled the moment he said yoonshin's name.

(ayy could it be, a new ship??)

"yea..im all alone dang it" i said as i pouted.

"ayy you got me yoonie yah" v oppa whined as he clung onto me.

"yah shes my babe" jimin muttered as he clung onto my other arm.

my eyes widened, did he just-

"yah are you sure theres nothing going on between you two??" namjoon oppa said as he gave me the suspicious look.

"YAH THERES REALLY NOTHING OKAYYYYY" i unconsciously shouted.

"yah fine FINE HOBI GETS IT" hobi oppa said as he covered his ears.

jimin just kept quiet.

"yoonie you'll stay with us today okay?" jin oppa said.

"but there will be rumours and-" i said, worried about those girls accusing me of stealing their "oppas".
"nah they wont. we'll protect you" jiminnie oppa said as he smiled and i felt my heart skip a beat.

(why am i feeling like this..)

"ye. yoonie youre bangtans girl now. swag." yoongi oppa said and i chuckled.

"ye you and shinnie!!" kookie chirped and i laughed.

(ayy that boy never forgets shinnie)

*ringggggg* the school bell rang, signifying the start of the first period.

"kaja?" v oppa said and we all left the rooftop for our classrooms.

i checked my timetable as we walked, my first period is math, with the 5 members of bangtan who are in the same class as me. we hurried to the classrooms quickly.



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