Chapter 9

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[a/n] OKAY!! this next chapter.. issss uhhmm.. not as graphic as it could be? I hope I stayed pg-13.. I think I did.. i toned it down. I also read the rules very carefully!!! I kept thinking "Would I let my cousin read this?" and yes, I would. I'd also lock her up in her bedroom if she attempts to look at any boys currently... but oh well. haha. I hope that you guys like it and I also hope it's not too much. If you think it's too graphic PLEASE tell me and I will change what I can.. but.. seriously.. every wickedly good romance needs a sex scene! c'mon! anyways.. enjoy! :D vote, comment, fan. You know you want to ;) <3<3 [**]


As Alexi leaned down and kissed her, Caitlin wrapped her arms around his neck to pull him closer. He was holding her like she was glass, kissing her softly, lovingly. Caressing her skin with his hands and going so damn slow.

This is not what she wanted. After two years of being a jilted bride 'love' is not what she was looking for. She felt anger and that anger was meshing with passion and made her feel reckless. He'd abandonded her when she needed him the most! How dare he try to love her?

She raked her nails down from his neck to his chest, causing him to gasp. Much to her pleasure, he deepened the kiss and pulled her tight against his body. Every rock hard inch of his perfect body pressed against hers and it was driving Caitlin crazy!

She bit his bottom lip and sucked it into her mouth playfully, loving the taste of him. The feel of him... it was intoxicating. 

"Alexi.. please," Her voice was desperate and she didn't even know what exactly she was begging him for. 

The smile he gave her was seductive and knowing... she may not be experienced, but he was. He wanted their first time to be incredible, something she'd never forget. She deserved it. He wanted to love her and to let that show as he took her to new and exciting levels of passion. Any of her other lovers couldn't hold a candle to what he was going to do to her. He couldn't tell her that he was crazy in love with her.. foolish pride keeps many men quiet when they're faced with such scary things as love. A little big bad girl might just wrap him around her little finger and then where would he be? 

She had on a baggy shirt and pants that she'd borrowed from the cabin boy on deck. The mostly white shirt did little to conceal her breasts underneath and he could see their perfectly rounded shape through the thin fabric. He let his hands slip down her perfectly curved hips, and down further to where the hem of her shirt lay. He slowly raised it up, and peeled it over her head. 

He laughed as she blushed deep red and crossed her arms over her chest. It was cute that she wanted to play shy. From what he'd been told over the last two years she was anything but. He needed to push those thoughts away, that didn't matter. 

He felt crazy with desire for this woman in front of him. His wife. He picked her up and wrapped her legs around his waist as he carried her to a spot in the grass that looked soft and would have to do for this little tryst. He laid her down gently and came down on top of her between her legs, holding himself up on his arms. 

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