chapter 14 part 1

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Alexi watched as Caitlin dissapeared behind the trees off in the distance. He wasn't really worried about her getting into any trouble because in the last few days they'd covered every inch of the island that they could and she was pretty safe to say the least. It'd been almost two weeks since she'd lost her memory.

 It was a wonderful two weeks at that. 

As long as she didn't happen across any slippery rocks. 

And hit her head again. 

And remember that she actually hated his guts.

If she knew the truth he was certain she'd never speak to him again. He wondered hopefully if perhaps when she finally remembered her past she'd forget the part where he lied to her and then all would be well. With his luck she'd only remember straight away that he'd betrayed her trust and they'd never speak again. He'd be forever trying to make up for the little lie he'd told.

Truth be told he'd been quite shocked when she'd believed him. It'd been so easy. Too easy. Nothing was this simple with Caitlin. He just knew it. Best to enjoy it while he could! She was being so odd lately.

His little headstrong wife kept asking him if she was allowed to do certain things and at first it was confusing. Her brother had almost keeled over at the thought of her actually asking for something she wanted.

Caitlin didn't ask for permission, she asked for forgiveness after the fact. It was easier to ask for forgiveness than to ask for permission and she'd learned that lesson well, practiced it often.

The past few days had been amazing. Alexi fell asleep with the woman of his dreams lying in his arms (usually naked or pretty damn close) every night, and woke up to her big beautiful blue eyes every morning. 

This morning they'd woken up and she'd been eager to go explore on her own. Their plans for rescue were finally taking a new turn and the men had been working on a serviceable raft. Well, Actually more than just one raft which was what was effectively consuming everyones time.

They'd determined that she was more useful anywhere else but near where they were building. She distracted Alexi and also just got in the way. Her incessant chatter was driving Devlin half mad and at one point Alexi had been forced to hold Dev back when he'd reached for Caitlin's neck a little too seriously one time.

Being that she was his wife, He found Caitlin very charming. The fact that she could knock over an entire load of wood was impressive. She quite artfully managed to upend a makeshift bin of fruit causing all sorts of tropical bits to run rampant down the beach... 

He couldn't help but laugh to himself about her recent antics. 

Any little thing would set Devlin off though, so Caitlin exploring was the safest option currently. She couldn't get into much trouble, he was certain of it.

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