Chapter 15 part 1

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[a/n] wooo steelers wonnn.. i love american football (: <3 its preseason, but oh well. you guys keep reading, you'll read more about it! lol anndddd on to chapter 15 part 1.. 

ps... thanks to everyone that has voted/fanned/commented and hung in here while i get to writing! I have this crazy little thing called -gasp- a life.. and I can't always upload. I'm so glad you like my story and want to read and some of you are so enthusiastic it just makes me smile.. I wish I could upload every day.. really! I will try my best to work on doing it sooner.. promise. <3 [/]


Caitlin heard the door to the cabin open and close softly, and she heard someone moving all around the small room and then finally she felt as the pirate lowered himself onto the bed.

"Caitlin?" He whispered her name softly.

She kept her eyes tightly shut and made sure her breathing was even. 

"Caitlin?" He called her name a little louder and she continued to ignore him. She felt him lower his face towards her and then he pressed a kiss to her lips. 

She remained unmoving as he pulled her awkwardly against him and cuddled her tightly to his side. She didn't fit with him like she did with Alexi. She was made to fit in Alexi's arms. Or at least thats what it felt like.

The confusion and being so unsure about herself was getting old. She'd been so sure about everything that Alexi said. 

She was quickly drawn out of her thoughts when she felt the pirates hands skim down her waist and hips and over the curve of her bottom. He pulled at the hem of her night rail and brought it up so that her bottom was exposed for his hands to explore.

The feeling of his hands on her body made her skin crawl. She was disgusted. It didn't feel right and she wished that Alexi was there instead of him. Alexi made her feel like her insides were melting. Her breath sometimes would catch when he looked at her sometimes.. he was so amazing.

Speaking of amazing Alexi.. where the hell is he? If she was his wife like he said, and he loved her so much, then why in the world was she in bed with another man's hands all over her body?

The pirate noticed the change in Caitlin's body as she became distressed and he quickly took advantage of the situation by tucking him under her smoothly. He straddled her legs and using one arm to support himself hovered over her and slowly lowered his face to hers.

The kiss was passionless. He used too much saliva and it made her entire face feel disgusting and wet. He'd shaved his facial hair and she could feel his smoothe face as he kissed her.

 His hands were everywhere and touching everything he could. He roughly massaged her breasts through the thin night gown and he pulled the hem up above her waist. 

He moaned softly into her hair, enjoying what he was doing to her. 

She noticed he was completely nude and it scared her. She tried to calm herself repeating that it'd be over soon, and that this was her life.

She was completely exposed to him and he was very forward in the way he moved and touched her. As if he knew what he was doing with her, as if he'd been with her before. The arrogant confidence that he was letting off made her feel sick.

The whole situation did. She attempted to move away from him and managed to move just enough but couldn't get away from him, he thought she was just playing. He was licking and biting and sucking on her skin and leaving wet patches all over her body. 

Caitlin struggled to get out from under him and found that he was much stronger than her. She couldn't get away from him, but her moving around was exciting him more. So she closed her eyes tightly and fought to stay still.

He started to bite her a little harder than he should and it hurt but she refused to make a sound.

She assumed he was trying to get a reaction out of her but would've gotten more possibly from a dead body. When he was finally done mauling her body she knew what was next. Knew, and was scared.

It didn't feel right. This wasn't right. She struggled with herself as she fought to keep still and let him do what he wanted. Would she usually fight him? Did she really sleep with him regularly? Why did all the clothes fit her.. The questions flooded her mind and then she realized something. 

Maybe she was his mistress. Past tense. Was. As in, used to be. She is Alex's wife. Her heart was his and she didn't give a damn what this pirate says, she didn't belong on the ship with him headed away from her husband. 

With that final thought Caitlin began to struggle. Richard was surprised at first and a small evil grin crossed his face as he quickly controlled her squirming body and he shifted so that he was positioned between her legs, pinning her down to the bed. 

She fought against him hard making him struggle to keep a hold of her but he still managed to get himslf position no the bed just so and Caitlin closed her eyes as she felt him start to press against her opening. 

She let out a terrified scream...

Then all hell broke loose.

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